Global network tortures and kills monkeys online

Global network tortures and kills monkeys online
full screen The macaques in the picture have nothing to do with the BBC’s disclosure. Archive image. Photo: Ashwini Bhatia/AP/TT

A global network tortures and kills monkeys and sells videos of the torture online, the British media company BBC reveals.

The BBC’s revelations show that hundreds of clients from Britain and the US, among others, have paid people in Indonesia and other Asian countries to film the torture and in some cases the killing of small macaques, which belong to the family of great apes.

According to the media company, it is about a “global sadistic torture” that started on YouTube but later moved to private groups on the encrypted social media platform Telegram – where people gather to come up with extreme torture ideas.

The BBC has tracked both torturers and buyers and the police have already made several arrests. At least 20 people are being investigated globally, including three women in Great Britain and an American man called “The torture king”, in Swedish “tortyrkungen”.
