PHOTO: Bildbyrån
Glenn Stromberg has, as we all know, a long and solid playing career behind him. But also as a commentator. The 62-year-old from Gothenburg started commentating for SVT during the European Championship in 1996, and has remained since then. At first he was a visitor to the icon Arne Hegerforsthereafter Staffan Lindeborg and nowadays it is Chris Harenstam who is by his side.
“Don’t talk so much”
Among other things, Strömberg has been named “best expert commentator”, and in addition to working for SVT, he is also a commentator for Viasat, where he mainly comments on the Premier League – not infrequently together with the immensely popular Niklas Holmgren.
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But which of Niklas Holmgren and Chris Härenstam does Glenn Strömberg really prefer to comment with? In a chat on SVT, he describes what the biggest differences are between the two.
– I have to keep track of both of them, of course. When you are with Niklas, you get to handle all the logistics yourself and be a bit of a tour guide, which he is very happy with. He thinks I’m better at that than commenting, says Strömberg.
– With Niklas, I don’t have to talk so much because of his solid bass voice that goes a long way. There will also be a lot of ping-pong and he is now beating the hell out of me.
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The collaboration with Chris
Strömberg goes on to describe the collaboration with Chris Härenstam, where there is an obvious difference compared to Holmgren.
– Chris helps with the logistics. But one advantage is that Chris walks a lot and since I only have one knee it suits me well. He also wants some alone time, with Niklas there is a lot to do all day. There is a lot of “locker room talk” with both of them and I like that. It’s fun that you can give and take.
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