Glen Kamara, who found a surprising foul, was completely torn in front of the press: “Good question”

Glen Kamara who found a surprising foul was completely torn

The Glasgow Rangers, represented by Glen Kamara, are fighting for a nail tooth championship. Kamara has found the finish line as he has finished a record three goals.

Today, Tuesday, the Finnish men’s national football team will play a practice match against Slovakia.

Glen Kamaran represented by the Glasgow Rangers last season celebrated the Scottish Premier League championship in a sovereign way. Rangers scored a record 102 points and won the championship without losing any matches.

This season, the Rangers have not been on the same flight. The team has lost twice, and is second in the series three points away from Celtic. The duo is in a class of their own, as Hearts is as much as 20 points away.

– The season has included ups and downs. We got off to a pretty good start, but maybe after the winter vacation we haven’t been that good and lost some points. We’re three points behind, but we still have a few big matches ahead against Celtic. Hopefully we can do it again, Kamara suggests winning the championship.

The midfielder of the Finnish men’s national football team has received more responsibility at Rangers this season than before. Kamara has already played as many matches as last season (28), clocking more than 100 minutes more playing time.

The paint net has also swung in a promising way. The Chamber has already finished three goals for the Rangers in the Scottish Premier League, having previously only finished twice in the previous five seasons.

asked Kamara if his shots had evolved or what was behind his paint factory.

– Good question, Kamara answered after laughing while standing next to him Marcus Forss tried to hold back his laughter.

– I have played in a few different roles this season and I think I have had a little more permission to go to support the attacks. I have now got a few goals and hopefully I will get more of them, Kamara continued with a smile.

Kamara has been rumored last summer and for the last time in the January transfer window to the English Premier League, among others.

– There was nothing concrete. Until I tell you otherwise, I play in the Rangers. Everything is fine and I am happy here, Kamara acknowledged.

The situation of the chamber in the national team has also changed significantly. In the more defensive role around Kamara, who has been playing at the bottom of the midfield, toppers have finished in the last six months. Paulus Arajuuri and Joona Toivioas well as the longtime captain of the Owls Tim Sparv.

Kamara, who has played for the national team since 2017, emphasizes that the trio also played a big role outside the field.

– Of course I missed friends with whom I had four good years. Not only on the field, they are big people outside of it too. They really helped and encouraged me when I joined the national team. They gave me self-confidence, Kamara said.

In the first practice match of the Spanish camp, the Owls played a 1-1 draw against Iceland when Teemu Pukki succeeded in scoring. On Tuesday, Finland will receive Slovakia.
