Gives students financial support – now the Southern Lapland high school association is reported to the School Inspectorate

The High School Association is responsible for the municipalities of Storuman and Vilhelmina’s high schools and offers students 750 kroner a month during the school year, it was Sweden’s Radio Echo first to tell.

The contribution has been questioned by Strömsund in northernmost Jämtland, which believes that it is wrong to attract money.

“Unacceptable to bribe students”

The National Association of Free Schools agrees with the criticism and reports the association.

– It is completely unacceptable to bribe students to start in a certain school. That must not happen. Pupils must be attracted with good knowledge results and a good work environment that offers study breaks, not with bribes, says Ulla Hamilton, CEO of the National Federation of Free Schools, in a press release.

The opportunity to receive the scholarship is an attempt to get young people to stay in the villages.

– Basically, it’s about stimulating and motivating our students. From an overall perspective, it is needed to make family life easier and to be able to continue offering a wide range of high school options, said Eva Flodin, head of the Southern Lapland high school association, to SVT Nyheter Västerbotten.

Eva Flodin writes in a text message to SVT that she is busy and cannot comment on the police report until later.
