Gives energy, protects both the heart and nervous system

1651206192 Gives energy protects both the heart and nervous system

Banana is the best source of vitamin B6 among fruits. Vitamin B6 in bananas is easily absorbed by your body, and a medium-sized banana can meet about a quarter of your daily vitamin B6 needs. So, what benefits does vitamin B6 provide us?

  • Metabolizes carbohydrates and fats into energy,
  • It metabolizes amino acids,
  • It helps remove unwanted chemicals from your liver and kidneys.
  • It protects the nervous system.

Also, Vitamin B6 is good for pregnant women as it helps to meet the developmental needs of their babies.


Banana is good for your skin health with the amount of manganese it contains. One medium banana provides about 13% of your daily manganese needs. Manganese helps your body make collagen and protects your skin and other cells from free radical damage.

Thanks to the potassium it contains, it protects heart health and regulates blood pressure. A medium banana will provide about 320-400 mg of potassium, meeting about 10% of your daily potassium needs. Additionally, bananas are low in sodium. The combination of low sodium and high potassium helps control high blood pressure.


Banana helps digestion with its high fiber content and helps to beat gastrointestinal problems. A medium banana will meet about 10-12% of your daily fiber needs. A daily dietary fiber intake of 20 g for women and 26 g for men is recommended.


It is an excellent source of energy. Does not contain fat and cholesterol! Banana contains three natural sugars. sucrose, fructose and glucose. It gives you a source of energy that is free of fat and cholesterol.


The carbohydrate composition of bananas changes drastically during ripening. The main component of unripe bananas is starch. Green bananas contain up to 80% starch measured by dry weight. During ripening, starch is converted to sugar, and when the banana is fully ripe, the starch value is less than 1%.


For this reason, consuming unripe bananas will be more beneficial for our health, as the sugar content is low. In addition, green banana has a prebiotic effect, that is, it constitutes food for beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

Bananas can be used for breakfast or as a great mid-day snack, especially for children. It can be consumed together with yogurt, cereals and smoothies. It can be consumed as an energy source for athletes between training sessions or before training.
