Girl’s first name 2025: “it is difficult to distinguish the winner” – two first names at the top of the top 20

Girls first name 2025 it is difficult to distinguish the

In 2025, these two girls’ names topped the rankings: “the race for first place is so tight that it is difficult to distinguish the winner”, according to the Official First Names 2025 (First editions). Here are the top 20 girls’ names.

Trending female names for the year 2025 have just been unveiled. As every year, the Official First Names 2025, published by First, allows us to establish the ranking of first names for girls the most popular. While last year, the name Alba rose to first place on the podium, it was dethroned this year by two other female names, tied: Ambre and Louise. “The race for first place is so tight that it is difficult to distinguish the winner,” explain the authors of the book published on September 5, 2024. “With a few births, Ambre could become the first French female name while Louise, queen of the year 2015, dreams of reconquering the throne,” they add.

The name Ambre is also supported by the trend of names from nature, like Agathe and Jade for precious stones, but also Iris and Rose for flowers. Names in A are also very trendy, even more so this year since among this top 20, 6 female names begin with the first letter of the alphabet: Ambre, Alba, Alma, Alice, Anna and Agathe, or a quarter of the top 20!

As for the name Alba, in first place last year, it still remains in third position for 2025. Popularized by the character in the Spanish series Les Demoiselles du télé, but also by the character Alba Flores in La Casa de Papel, this name “ticks all the boxes” according to the author Stéphanie Rapopport: it is short and ends with the letter A, while referring to nature since it means “Dawn” in Spanish. So many criteria sought by young parents. Here is the ranking of trendy female names for 2025:

Top girls’ names for 2025

Here is the list of the 20 most popular first names for girls according to the Official First Names 2025:

  1. Amber/Louise
  2. Amber/Louise
  3. Alba
  4. Jade
  5. Alma
  6. Emma
  7. Pink
  8. Romy
  9. Eva
  10. Alice
  11. Anna
  12. Mia
  13. Lina
  14. Lena
  15. Inaya
  16. Agathe
  17. Giulia
  18. Lou
  19. Julia
  20. Iris

This year, endings in “ia” are the second winning sounds. A female name also makes its appearance in the top 20: the Italian name Giulia, borne by the daughter of Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy. The names Mia and Julia are also progressing, as is the name Inaya which gains eight places in one year. For little girls, short names should maintain their trend in 2025, with one to two syllables and 5 letters on average.
