Girls cheated by the clothing company – don’t get orders

In social media, several young girls now testify about missing packages from the clothing company Lxa The Label, previously owned by influencer Linn Ahlborg.
Orders for thousands of kronor do not come out – and when the customers email the company if a refund is met by silence.
-It’s super boring, I actually feel a little deceived, says 22-year-old Hanna Litzén Vartiainen to TV4 News.

The clothing company Lxa The Label will be closed down after the co -founder, influencer Linn Ahlborg with over 600,000 followers on Instagram, broke the collaboration with the other owner, the listed influencer company Hubso.

As a result of the impending closure, the company announced a sale of up to 70 percent in December, which many took part in.

Matilda heels, 23, ordered a total of two dresses that never arrived and canceled the words, which the company agreed. But when she later asked for a refund, it became quiet.

– I feel so shocked because I had not just taken as they sent so much nice emails as well. So I didn’t take anything until I saw Tiktok that there were more people in the same seat, Matilda tells TV4 News.

Is out with 1,200

Hanna Litzén Vartiainen, 22, placed an order for many products, including several hoodies, soft pants and a fleece worth over SEK 1,200.

The money was drawn and an order confirmation steamed down the e -mail on December 20. Since there were several red days thereafter, she had ice in her stomach.

– The second of January I emailed to get an update. They said it was red days and that they had had a staff shortage. But they said the package would be shipped soon. But then the time went by, says Hanna.

“Has ghostat us”

Wilma Stööckh ordered only one dress for SEK 300, so she feels more sorry for those who ordered for thousands of kronor.

But she is still pissed at how Lxa The Label acted.

– I think it is incredibly bad of the company, for whatever reason. If they had explained the situation and sent back all the money directly, they would have been another thing, but they really only “ghostat” us who bought clothes from them. Have never been to anything like it, she says.

TV4 News has sought Lxa The Label, Linn Ahlborg and Hubso for a comment. They have not returned.

Was founded by influencer

Lxa The Labels was founded by the influencer Linn Ahlborg many years ago, but since last fall she no longer has anything to do with the company. However, her name is still associated with the clothing brand. Therefore, many people have heard from her to ask why the packages do not arrive.

In two posts on Instagram Story, Linn Ahlborg writes, among other things, that she shares customers’ disappointment and frustration and that the deficiencies are “except her control” and that the deficiencies are one of the reasons why she has broken the collaboration with Hubso.

“I fumble myself in blind and uncertainty and honestly do not know what will happen. I have a constant stomach ache all over the situation and wish I could say or do something more, ”she writes.

TV4 News has sought Lxa The Label, Linn Ahlborg and Hubso for a comment. They have not returned.
