Girl stabbed in Brunnsparken, Gothenburg – Villemo called 112

Girl stabbed in Brunnsparken Gothenburg Villemo called 112

Published: Less than 30 min ago

Updated: Less than 20 min ago

Villemo, 19, was one of the first on the scene when the girl was stabbed in the middle of central Gothenburg.

She kept in touch with 112 while more people intervened and got the perpetrator down to the ground.

– You think about the girl. The only thing you want to know is that she is okay, says Villemo.

It is lunchtime on Thursday in central Gothenburg.

Villemo, 19, has just been with a friend and bought coffee capsules in a shop at Brunnsparken.

When she comes out there is a great commotion.

– There was an elderly woman and a man and a small child in between. It was really a fight, they were fighting each other and the woman was pulled by the hair, says Villemo.

She then saw the girl fall to the ground.

– Another man comes up very quickly and grabs the man and sort of sits on top of him. More people come forward and people are absolutely insane.

full screenWhile some police officers arrest the suspected perpetrator, a woman is treated at the scene by some other police officers. Photo: READER’S PHOTO

“A lot of people stayed at the place”

At the same time, the woman, who later turned out to be the girl’s grandmother, shouted at Villemo to call the police. She picked up the phone and called 911.

– Everything went so quickly. What I remember is that guards came running, and a lot of people stayed at the scene.

– There was so much blood. And she was so small.

The police were there after just a few minutes. Villemo remained at the scene until the ambulance arrived.

– I wanted to stay. Obvious.

Police are investigating the scene. Photo: Thomas Johansson

fullscreen The knifeman went on the attack in the middle of the open street on Thursday morning. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT

“Totally unpleasant”

The relief was great when Villemo read a few hours later that the girl’s condition was stable.

– You think about the girl. All you want to know is that she’s okay. I just cried and cried. It could have been my little brother.

According to the police, there is no clear connection between the perpetrator and the girl.

– It’s so strange. Completely unpleasant, Villemo thinks.

– Thank God it happened in such a central location. Any number of people came and it was lucky that they got hold of him. Hopefully everything is caught on film.

The suspect is 35 years old. He is arrested on suspicion of two counts of attempted murder, as the girl’s grandmother was also stabbed in the arm.

The arrested man is already known to the police. According to a personal investigation by the correctional service, he has a long-term addiction. He has been in contact with health care, social services, the police and correctional services at various times, for a long time.

full screen Police forensics technician at work at the crime scene. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall / TT
