Girl is denied a school ride – lives two meters too close

The municipality’s children’s and youth committee refused school transport after a distance measurement showed 3,998 meters between home and school.

The girl’s mother appealed to the administrative court after making her own measurements based on maps, which gave a distance that was longer than the minimum requirement of 4,000 meters. The mother also emphasized that it was questionable to reject the application based on just two meters, writes Dagens Juridik.

However, the administrative court saw no reason to question the children’s and youth board’s decision and rejected the appeal.

The mother took the matter further to the Court of Appeal in Jönköping and relied on printouts from two different map services.

But the Court of Appeal did not agree with the mother either. The higher instance also considered that the board’s assessment applies. As long as the conditions are the same for all students, it is up to the municipality to decide how the distance should be measured.
