Giorgia Meloni denounces the ‘oligarchy’ which allocates key EU positions

Giorgia Meloni denounces the oligarchy which allocates key EU positions

In her communications to Italian parliamentarians, on the eve of the European Council, Giorgia Meloni, whose far-right executive is the only one of the major European countries to have been strengthened by the European vote, expressed her strongest anger against the isolation of the ECR. His group not having been involved in the choice of the grand coalition of the right (PPE) of socialists (S&D) and centrists (Renew Europe) on the distribution of three top jobs of the EU.

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Her severe face, her moralizing tone, said as much as the words she spoke in front of the deputies and senators on the position of her government, reports our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir. She recalled that her Conservative group is the third largest force in the European Parliament, with 83 deputies, Giorgia Meloni harshly attacked working-class, socialist and liberal families.

The logic of consensus is supplanted by the oligarchic logic of certain parties who claim to be able to make decisions both for opposing political forces and for nations considered too small to deserve to sit at the tables that matter. “, said Giorgia Meloni. “ The error that is occurring, with the imposition of a fragile majority, is a serious error. I hope that our country is best represented in high positions in the European Union. “.

Read alsoEU: Agreement reached on distribution of key posts in European institutions

A sidelining from discussions that does not pass for Giorgia Meloni

The casting has been known for several months: the German curator Ursula von der Leyen as President of the Commission, the Portuguese socialist Antonio Costa at the head of the European Council and the liberal Estonian Kaja Kallas as chief diplomat.

The agreement expected in Brussels would therefore only be a formality, except that Giorgia Meloni did not at all like being kept away from the discussions.

Voting on top jobs is probably made more complicated “, euphemizes a source in Brussels. In Paris, the entourage ofEmmanuel Macron sweeps away the anger of Rome: the rule is the rule, recalls an advisor, the trio was validated by the coalition which dominates the European hemicycle.

Giorgia Meloni has hinted that she may refrain from participating in the final decision on key European Commission posts. If Giorgia Meloni does not technically have the means to derail this agreement, her anger would rather aim to raise the stakes to obtain key positions in the future Commission.

The European fight against mass immigration: a priority among the priorities for Giorgia Meloni

EU leaders will discuss the 2024-2029 strategic program as part of the European summit which begins this Friday in Brussels. In her communications to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the far-right Italian Prime Minister indicated on Tuesday June 26 as one of her priorities the fight against mass immigration and the business of human traffickers. But she believes that such fights will remain in vain if other measures, inspired by those of her government, are not applied by the European institutions.

Mass irregular immigration will never be blocked if we do not involve countries of origin and transit in the fight against traffickers. “, said Giorgia Meloni. “ Under the leadership of Italy, Europe has already signed agreements with Egypt and Tunisia. It will have to replicate this model in many other countries. The first right that we have a duty to guarantee is the right to non-immigrate. You must only enter Italy and elsewhere in Europe legally! This condition requires creating a new form of cooperation with African nations. This is an approach for which Italy laid the foundations with the Mattei plan for Africa. Africans do not ask us for charity. They ask us for investments and shared projects to carry out together. They ask us for respect and concrete facts. On this point, Italy has an advantage. Our position as the natural platform of the Mediterranean offers us the opportunity to become a bridge between the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa and Europe “.
