Giorgetti, Differentiated autonomy: no impact on public accounts

MES Giorgetti is still stalling on ratification

(Finance) – The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgettispoke in the Senate Chamber to respond to theinterpellation on the economic impact of the reform of differentiated autonomyensuring that there will be no negative repercussions on public accounts. “The current legislation safeguards the absence of negative consequences for public finances resulting from differentiated autonomy”, Giorgetti said, underlining how the principle of responsibility can improve the efficiency of local administrations and, consequently, generate spending savings.

Giorgetti then explained that the reform introduces a new way of understanding federalismbased on the responsibility and on theefficiencyrather than on an increase in spending. “I start from a completely different approach than yours – he declared addressing the group leader of the Democratic Party, Francesco Boccia – for her, federalism is synonymous with greater spending, for me it represents the introduction of the principle of responsibility at every level, and therefore brings with it efficiency and savings”. Also present alongside Giorgetti was the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomy, Roberto Calderoli, promoter of the reform.

In his speech, Giorgetti also acknowledged the specific needs of the southern regionsarguing that differentiated autonomy could represent an opportunity to improve public services in crucial sectors such as health and education. “I agree that the regions of Southern Italy need more schools and more health care, but above all quality schools and health care. Perhaps differentiated autonomy will be able to guarantee ito”, he added, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that autonomy benefits the entire country, without leaving behind the most disadvantaged areas.

During the session, Boccia expressed strong doubts about the economic sustainability of the reform and its implications for the unity of the country.”Giorgetti told us a truth and a lie“, commented Boccia. “The truth is that there are not enough resources to implement differentiated autonomy, while the lie is that this will not have an impact on the state accounts. Calderoli’s decree risks transforming Italy into 20 small states”.

Boccia then underlined that the country is already in a situation of infringement with the European Union, and that the seven-year plan agreed with Brussels does not include the implementation of differentiated autonomy. Furthermore, he criticized the management of matters not related to the LEP (Essential Levels of Performance), stating that without additional resources it will not be possible to transfer them to the Regions.

Even the specific question of the Request for autonomy of Veneto on some matters, was addressed by Giorgetti, reiterating that the transfer of competences will only take place within the limits of the resources already allocated. “On the basis of the requests put forward by the Veneto Region, the process includes a review of the related instrumental resources, and it is to be excluded that further requests could destabilize public finances, thanks to the legislative constraint that imposes the transfer of matters within the limits of the financial resources already allocated”, explained the minister.

Giorgetti then reiterated that the government is committed to ensuring that differentiated autonomy is implemented without creating financial imbalances between regions, maintaining the stability of public accounts and protecting the principle of equity between the different areas of the country.
