Giorgetti claims prudence line: save 2024 to finance other measures

Giorgetti claims prudence line save 2024 to finance other measures

(Finance) – “I remember and claim that the government has prudently decided not to spend resources deriving from the improvement of objectives to finance further measures. In line with the new budget rules, we put aside the savings obtained in 2024 that in the future, when it is necessary, we can possibly use. ” Giancarlo Giorgetti, intervening at the inauguration of the year of studies of the economic-financial police school of the Guardia di Finanza.

“Our medium -term budget structural plan” underlined is “ambitious but realistic“And” provides for an improvement in the quality of public spending, increasingly oriented towards investments and support for the economy.

With the loss of competitiveness of the European Union and the braking of the economy, the management of public accounts in the last two years has taken place in a “particularly difficult” and “contextdecidedly unfavorable for the country “, The Treasury owner continued.

“One of the most insidious and pervasive threats It comes from the Asset crypt market which is rapidly expanding thanks to the interconnection between the financial and digital world that has activated the appetites of crime “, observed Giorgetti.
