Gibus, the profit 2024 rises to 5.5 million euros. Revenues -7%

Gibus the profit 2024 rises to 55 million euros Revenues

(Finance) – Gibusa company active in the high -end outdoor design sector listed on Euronext Growth Milan, closed the 2024 with revenues equal to 84.8 million euros, decreased by 7.1% compared to 91.3 million euros in 2023. TheEbitda it stands at 13.3 million euros, -6.5% compared to 14.3 million euros in 2023 (Ebitda margin equal to 15.7%, compared to 15.6% in 2023). THE’Net profit It stands at 5.5 million euros, +47.3% compared to 3.7 million euros in 2023, net of taxes equal to 2.7 million euros (3.1 million euros in 2023).

“THE Results 2024 are encouraging and such as to feed confidence and impetus towards the future, since reached in an exercise characterized by the persistence of the weakness of the whole European economy and by a particularly marked crisis of the German market and in general of Central Europe – commented theTo Alessio Bellin – In this context, the outdoor sector has recorded a contraction of revenues for the second consecutive year. If on the one hand, the performance of revenues in Italy (-9%) is satisfactory since 2024 is the first exercise no longer influenced by incentives, the situation on the German market is decidedly more challenging, with the controlled Leiner that records revenues in contraction and margins lower than the Italian group leader. Despite these elements, the group highlights a solid estate of the Abitda, significantly linked to the improvement of industrial marginality which benefited from the favorable trend of the purchase prices of aluminum in 2024. “

There Net financial position It is equal to 19 million euros, compared to 20.5 million euros to 31 December 2023: the improvement derives from the good ability to generate cash flows by the business despite the high level of investments in capex and opex to support the development of strategic lines.

(Photo: Frangment)
