Giant screen to follow the Albacete game

Giant screen to follow the Albacete game

The City Council of Albacete will install a giant screen this Saturday in front of the Puerta de Hierros, in what is known as the ‘pincho’ of the Fair, so that fans can follow live the play-off semifinal match for promotion to the Second Division between the Albacete and Rayo Majadahonda (6:00 p.m.).

This was a demand from different sectors of the Albacete fans that has been taken in a rush, since the official statement from the local council has been sent this morning, after announcing it last night in its different social network profiles of the Albacete City Council.

The mayor, Emilio Sáez, in a message sent through these same technological means, stated: “Dear fans, Alba is playing the semifinal to return to the Second Division. For all those who cannot travel to Vigo to accompany the team, the City Council of Albacete is going to put up a giant screen to follow the game in the ‘pincho’ of the Fair”.

The mayor continued: “At six in the afternoon we are waiting for you all this Saturday to give strength to the team and that this tie passes and we can play the last game, which will allow us to reach the Second Division. ¡Aúpa Alba! We are waiting for you in the ‘pincho’ of the Fair this Saturday”.

For his part, the president of Albacete Balompié, Georges Kabchi, has indicated that “such a big and important game for Alba must be shared with the city.”

“We would have liked to compete in Belmonte in such an important event, so we are grateful that the Albacete City Council has taken the appropriate steps to respond to that feeling of unity and support around Albacete Balompié that is breathed in the city. Let’s trust that today we live an unforgettable afternoon for all”, concluded Kabchi.
