‘Getting After It’ memorial ride attracts hundreds

1681691127 Getting After It memorial ride attracts hundreds

Hundreds of people ‘Got after it’ to honor slain Haldimand County OPP Const. Greg Pierzchala on Saturday.

Ontario Provincial Police, municipal police officers, dignitaries and citizens gathered in Dunnville to participate in a memorial bike ride for the officer who was killed in the line of duty on Dec. 27 of last year.

Brantford City Coun.  Greg Martin (Ward 3) and chair of the Brantford Police Services Board, Brantford Police Chief Rob Davis and Deputy Chief Jason Saunders were among the hundreds of cyclists to participate in the “Getting After It” memorial bike ride held Saturday, April 15 in honor of slain OPP Const.  Greg Pierzchala who was shot and killed in the line of duty on Dec. 27, 2022. The ride began and ended at the Dunnville Farmers' Market, Haldimand County.  VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR
Brantford City Coun. Greg Martin (Ward 3) and chair of the Brantford Police Services Board, Brantford Police Chief Rob Davis and Deputy Chief Jason Saunders were among the hundreds of cyclists to participate in the “Getting After It” memorial bike ride held Saturday, April 15 in honor of slain OPP Const. Greg Pierzchala who was shot and killed in the line of duty on Dec. 27, 2022. The ride began and ended at the Dunnville Farmers’ Market, Haldimand County. VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR jpg, BR

The participants were joined by Pierzchala’s parents – Jan and Janina- and his siblings Justyna, Michal and Chris.

“I know Greg is in heaven watching over each and every one of us with the fullest heart and the biggest smile on his face,” Justyna said during a prayer prior to the ride’s start. “Although all we are left with are memories, it is important to acknowledge that Greg truly left this world with meaning, having an impact on so many people.

“Lord, thank you for putting him into this world and helping him with a life of purpose. May we all strive to do the same.”

The event was called the “Getting After It” ride and comes from a phrase Pierzchala often used to encourage himself and others to be the best person possible.

“May we all have the ability to say after the ride that ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished, I have kept the faith and as Greg would say ‘I got after it,’” Justyna said.

Jordan Stone, Tracy Bellamy, Shane Hickingbottom and Zvonko Horvat of Norfolk County were among the hundreds of people to participate in the “Getting After It” memorial bike ride held in Dunnville on Saturday, April 15 in honor of slain OPP Const.  Greg Pierzchala.  VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR
Jordan Stone, Tracy Bellamy, Shane Hickingbottom and Zvonko Horvat of Norfolk County were among the hundreds of people to participate in the “Getting After It” memorial bike ride held in Dunnville on Saturday, April 15 in honor of slain OPP Const. Greg Pierzchala. VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR jpg, BR

Justyna thanked all of those who organized and attended the event on behalf of the Pierzchala family.

OPP Commissioner Thomas Carrique participated in the ride and he too thanked everyone for their support.

“I think for the first time in the history of any police ride that we’ve been joined by so many police chiefs,” Carrique said. “We have the chief of Aylmer, (Zvonko Horvat), the chief of Brantford (Rob Davis), we have the chief of Six Nations (Darren Montour) and we have strong representation from all of our Ride to Remember family.”

Davis was joined by Brantford city councilor Greg Martin, who is also chair of the Brantford Police Services Board, and deputy chief Jason Saunders.

“They are all here to celebrate the life of Provincial Constable Greg Pierzchala,” Carrique said. “To say thank you to Greg’s family, for allowing us to honor and pay tribute to Greg, to express our respect for you and to make that commitment to you that Greg will always be remembered.”

Members of the Pierzchala family were in Dunnville on Saturday, April 15 for the “Getting After It” Memorial Bike Ride in honor of their brother and son Const.  Greg Pierzchala, who was shot and killed in the line of duty on Dec. 27, 2022. Family members include older brother Chris, mother Janina, sister Justyna, father Jan and younger brother Michal.  VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR
Members of the Pierzchala family were in Dunnville on Saturday, April 15 for the “Getting After It” Memorial Bike Ride in honor of their brother and son Const. Greg Pierzchala, who was shot and killed in the line of duty on Dec. 27, 2022. Family members include older brother Chris, mother Janina, sister Justyna, father Jan and younger brother Michal. VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR jpg, BR

Carrique said the families of officers need to know that they are supported and communities need to show their support and respect for police officers.

Leanne McPherson also participated in the ride.

“I worked with Greg at Queen’s Park, he was a sweet, sweet man,” McPherson, a member of the Queen’s Park OPP detachment, said. “The conversations I had with him, going over them in my mind, he was humble, a fabulous person.

“We worked many night shifts together and I had the opportunity to have many wonderful conversations with him.”

Haldimand-Norfolk MP Leslyn Lewis and Haldimand County Mayor Shelley Ann Bentley also attended the ride. Lewis called Pierzchala a hero who gave his life to serve and protect his community. She also extended to the family, the community’s “deepest gratitude” for their sacrifice.

Bentley said work is underway for a permanent memorial in Pierzchala’s honor.

The event included 20, 40 and 80-kilometre routes which took riders along the Lake Erie Shoreline. The 80-kilometre riders began their route from the Dunnville Farmers’ Market and were sent off by the OPP Commissioner’s Own Pipes and Drums.

Cyclists who took the 20 and 40-kilometre routes left from the Disciples Conference Center and all of the rides ended at the farmers’ market.

Registration began at 9:30 am and continued past 10:30 am to accommodate all of the people who showed up to participate. There were more than 200 riders by 9:45 and there was still a line-up of bikers eager to register at 10:45 am

The event was organized by the OPP, the OPP Youth Foundation and the Pierzchala family. Proceeds from the event will be used to help five youth from Pierzchala’s high school – St. Joan of Arc Catholic High School in Barrie – participate in extra-curricular activities.

Leanne McPherson of the Queen's Park OPP detachment stands beside a portrait of slain OPP Const.  Greg Pierzchala at the “Getting After It” memorial bike ride held in Dunnville on Saturday, April 15. McPherson worked with Pierzchala at Queen's Park and was one many people to participate in the ride.  VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR
Leanne McPherson of the Queen’s Park OPP detachment stands beside a portrait of slain OPP Const. Greg Pierzchala at the “Getting After It” memorial bike ride held in Dunnville on Saturday, April 15. McPherson worked with Pierzchala at Queen’s Park and was one many people to participate in the ride. VINCENT BALL/BRANTFORD EXPOSITOR jpg, BR

Pierzchala was shot while responding to a call about a vehicle in a ditch west of Hagersville on Dec. 27. He later died in hospital. He was 28.

Police have said Pierzchala was ambushed and had no chance to defend himself Two people, Randall McKenzie, 25, of Six Nations of the Grand River, and Brandi Crystal Lyn Stewart-Sperry, 30, of Hamilton, have been charged with first-degree murder in Pierzchala’s death.

McKenzie was out on bail at the time of the shooting for allegedly assaulting three people including a peace officer and for related weapons offenses including carrying a handgun with a defaced serial number.

There was a bench warrant out for his arrest for failing to appear for a short date at the time Pierzchala was killed.

[email protected]



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