Get your PS5 now with the green electricity tariff and save over €400

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Save on the PS5 and your electricity bill with the “MeinÖkoTarif” from E wie simply. You can now secure the console for only €199 with a €60 PS Plus voucher.

The PS5 is finally widely available – and still more expensive than when it was released. But you don’t have to pay the full €619 or more that most shops charge. If you get it now together with the green electricity tariff from E wie simply, you save over 400€ And it could even cut your electricity bill.

Here’s a direct link to the offer at E wie simply What’s in the PS5 offer?

Before you sign an electricity contract, you should of course know what you are getting yourself into. A reduced PS5 is of course great, but only if you don’t have to pay the difference five times over with your electricity bill. You can rest easy here, because E how easy has lowered the electricity prices instead of raising them. In some regions, the tariff is now even lower than that of the basic supplier.

That stays for you too the first twelve months so, because for this time you benefit from one price guarantee. If this has expired, this is also the minimum term and you can change your provider again. We can’t tell you exactly how much the tariff will cost you, but you can easily check it on the offer page. There you simply enter your postcode and your consumption and a tariff will be suggested to you directly.

Now on to E wie simply and calculate the electricity price

Another advantage is that you don’t have to decide on one of the PS5 bundles that are currently available. If God of War Ragnarök isn’t your thing, then you can choose another game with the €60 PS Plus voucher, that suits your taste better.

How does the electricity tariff change work?

Of course, you first have to find out whether your current contract is still in the minimum term and whether there are additional costs. On the part of E how easy is the name of the program, you hardly have to do anything here.

After you have simply ordered the tariff online, your creditworthiness will first be checked. Once this is completed, the co-payment of 199€ will be due. You can finally receive your new PS5 about 14 days after receipt of payment. For you, the work is already over and you can relax on the couch with your new acquisition, E wie einfach takes care of everything else that concerns the change of electricity provider.

There is just one more thing to note: If you terminate the contract early, for whatever reason, you will have to pay the full price for the PS5. Less the €199, that’s another €420. If you don’t want a PS5, you’ll get a cash bonus for signing the contract instead.

Adopt a homeless PS5 now
