Get started Ecovacs Deebot T10 Turbo: a floor cleaning robot that puts AI at the service of daily comfort

Get started Ecovacs Deebot T10 Turbo a floor cleaning robot

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Invest in a robot vacuum is no longer the prerogative of technophiles who want to be at the forefront of innovation. This equipment has made a place for itself in theuniverse of household appliances by offering a level of performance and simplicity that make them real cleanliness assistants. Some brands have also understood the importance of combining sophistication and autonomy to better adapt to everyone’s needs.

This is the case of Ecovacs, whose all-new Deebot T10 Turbo is a perfect example of technology that improves everyday life. This robot vacuum and floor mop has an automatic station that always keeps it ready for action. Its latest-generation artificial intelligence quickly identifies objects for faster recognition of obstacles. The few weeks spent using the Deebot T10 Turbo have allowed us to appreciate its practical qualities.

A style that blends in with the decor

With the T10 Turbo, Ecovacs has clearly sought a sober aesthetic, able to better integrate into everyone’s interiors. Thus, the robot itself sports a glossy white finish that is both discreet and elegant, while its docking station plays on a two-tone matt white and metallic gray tone that gives it a touch of elegance. The immaculate appearance of the robot should not be feared of dirt. Indeed, we were able to observe that a simple wipe of the cloth eliminated the traces linked to contact with the walls or the objects that he had encountered during his cleaning sessions. Both the robot and the station have an impeccable level of finish that gives off an impression of robustness.

A robot equipped for complete cleaning

The T10 Turbo is as attractive as it is sophisticated. Its front HD camera coupled with its rangefinder laser allow him to map his environment in real time in order to navigate with precision and avoid obstacles. It only takes a few minutes to walk around the owner and save up to three different maps, which is handy when you want to maintain multiple floors. Each card can be personalized down to the smallest detail with theapplication Ecovacs Home (Android and iOS): name rooms, divide certain areas or merge them, define virtual boundaries…

In addition, Ecovacs has further refined its AIVI 3.0 object recognition technology which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make it 16 times more accurate when detecting objects and furniture in the home. Now the Deebot T10 Turbo recognizes 18 different types of objects. Unlike other less advanced models, it is therefore not necessary to tidy up the house before the passage of the robot. We confirm, not having to pick up the shoes and other toys scattered by our dear darlings has made our lives a lot easier!

For vacuuming, the Ecovacs robot is equipped with a floating central brush that hugs the unevenness and two rotating side brushes that pick up debris and dust in the corners. With a suction power of 3,000 Pa, the T10 Turbo leaves nothing behind. We put it to the test by spreading sandof the litterdried earth and cake crumbs on floor tile and wooden floor. Result, no more trace after its passage! The 400 ml dust container provides sufficient autonomy for around ten cleanings before having to be emptied.

The dampness level of the Deebot T10 Turbo mops is adjustable. © Futura

Clean, dry mops

Wet cleaning of hard floors is provided by a duo of washable mops that rotate at high speed while applying a pressure vertical. Using the Ecovacs Home app, one can opt for a standard or deep wash which injects more water into the mops. It is even possible to activate only the mop mode when you want to make a first pass to pre-wash a dirtier floor.

Problem, a mop gets dirty as the wash progresses. To maintain all the necessary efficiency and hygiene, Ecovacs has designed a particularly innovative floor cloth cleaning system. The docking station of the T10 Turbo has two tanks of four liters each. One receives the clean water which is loaded into the robot before each cleaning. The other collects the dirty water from cleaning mops.

At regular intervals (every 6, 10 or 15 minutes), the T10 Turbo stops and returns to the station where the mops are washed and then rinsed. At the end of the task, they are additionally dried in theair warm to avoid unwanted mold and odours. The mop wash basin is itself equipped with an automatic cleaning system. This maintenance of the robot and its station is a real guarantee of daily hygiene and convenience.

Effective and gentle cleaning

We could see the effectiveness of obstacle detection and navigation in cluttered environments where we asked the robot to work. He slipped easily between the boxes, chairs, tables, sofas, avoiding cables and other shoes. In this regard, the Ecovacs application has enriched its catalog of 3D furniture that can be added to the mapping of the place with specific furniture and accessories for animals (bowl, litter, doghouse, etc.). By combining this information with the virtual boundaries we had created in the living areas of our cats, the robot carefully avoided disturbing our companions while they ate and slept. Add to that the relatively low noise level and we can say that the Deebot T10 Turbo is able to work without disturbing the members of the household or stressing the animals.

The Deebot T10 Turbo is not afraid of dirt. © Futura

And it even cleans under furniture! To do this, simply select an area on the map where there is one or more pieces of furniture under which the robot can slip to clean (coffee table, bed, armchair, etc.). Thanks to its sensors peripherals, the T10 Turbo detects the vacuum of a stairs as well as surface changes, leading him to turn off mop mode when he realizes he’s vacuuming on carpet or floor. carpet.

The T10 Turbo knows the difference between a hard floor and a carpet. © Futura

Thanks to its sensors and its AI, the Deebot T10 Turbo navigates with precision and delicacy. © Futura

An easy-to-use application and advanced features

The Ecovacs Home app offers three cleaning modes: automatic, zones (select each room to clean) and custom. For each mode, you can define the suction power (silent, standard, max and max+), the number of cleanings (up to two) and the degree of humidity of the mop. You can both start a cleaning session as soon as necessary or play with the programming for regular maintenance.

Monitor your home remotely

Like its big brother Deebot X1 Omni, the Deebot T10 Turbo’s camera is accessible in real time. This allows you to check the progress of a cleaning in progress but also to transform the robot into a surveillance camera mobile. Thanks to the application, it is possible to control your movements remotely, schedule home inspections by defining a route on the map, film and take photos or even communicate with a person present nearby thanks to the walkie-talkie function. . We were impressed by the fluidity of the display which works even at night.

The T10 Turbo’s video camera provides a real-time view. © Futura


With the Deebot T10 Turbo, Ecovacs has succeeded in creating a very complete floor mopping robot with which you can carry out regular maintenance of your home with a minimum of intervention thanks to its automatic station and on-board artificial intelligence. The Ecovacs Home application offers many settings to adapt the work of the robot to the specificities of its habitat and its lifestyle. The Deebot T10 Turbo is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to simplify their daily life and free up time.

Article produced in partnership with Ecovacs

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