In Starfield you can unknowingly or maliciously accumulate penalties in various systems. We’ll show you how you can get bounties and get rid of them again.
What are bounties? In Starfield, if you commit crimes, you get a bounty on your head. This is a certain amount that a faction has declared for your head.
Depending on how high your bounty is, the specific faction will be hostile to you and will immediately attack or speak to you and, in the worst case, arrest or kill you.
Which crimes count? To receive a bounty, you must do the following:
Now that you know how to get a bounty, let’s show you how to get rid of your bounty in three ways.
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This is how you get rid of your bounty
To wipe your clean slate and no longer be wanted, you can use three options:
1. Pay bounties to officials or factions
How do I do that? The easiest way to get rid of your punishment is to turn yourself in when officials or faction members surround you.
Now you can pay your bounty to them and you also have to give back the stolen items, if any. The only drawback to this method is that you will lose the items you stole and also have to pay hard-earned credits.
2. Go to prison
How do I do that? If you were caught by guards and confronted, you not only have the option of paying off your debt, but you also have the chance of going to jail. In this method you also have to hand over stolen items. You will also lose a certain amount of your XP, depending on how high your bounty is.
The positive thing about this method, however, is that you don’t have to pay any credits and can walk out of the cell with fuller pockets.
3. Pay bounty at ATMs
How do I do that? You have enough credits, but you want to keep your stolen items and not lose XP? Then look for one of the red self-service machines that can pay your bounty. You can find these in different systems and cities.
The only two downsides are that you can only settle bounties from factions that are not in the same system and the fees for the service if you use it. You also have to pay your bounty – the service in Starfield is not free.
There is one last method: If you prefer to solve your problem with cheats, you can use the console command: player.paycrimegold 0 0
Have you had any problems with the law in Starfield? And if so, how did you solve your problems? Let us know in the comments!
You can find out more about console commands in our overview: Starfield: The most useful console commands at a glance – This is how you activate cheats