Get in shape in a short time! What is the Ketogenic Diet?

Get in shape in a short time What is the

Many people choose the ketogenic diet to lose weight or switch to a healthy diet. We have compiled various information for you about the ketogenic diet, where you can get successful results if you follow it regularly. What is the ketogenic diet? How is the ketogenic diet done? You can read the rest of our news to find answers to questions such as: You can also review the ketogenic diet example.

What is the ketogenic diet? The answer to this question is often asked by people who want to try a different type of diet. To summarize in general, the ketogenic diet; While it contains a high amount of fat, it also stands out as a diet type that contains low carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet, which has many benefits in terms of health as well as its effect on weight loss, manages to take its place in the first place among today’s popular diets.

How to Make a Ketogenic Diet That Will Help You Lose Weight in a Healthy Way?

Individuals who want to lose their weight in a healthy way and switch to a healthy lifestyle want to have information about how to do the ketogenic diet. At the same time, answers are sought for questions such as “What to eat on a ketogenic diet?” We have listed how to do the ketogenic diet for you. Here, the ketogenic diet in details…

  • Before starting the ketogenic diet, preliminary evaluations should be made in the presence of a specialist dietitian and the diet should be started under the supervision of a dietitian.
  • The ketogenic diet is based on fat-based nutrition due to its structure. Therefore, if your blood fats are high, the ketogenic diet is not for you.
  • During the ketogenic diet, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake and increase your fat intake.
  • There are some foods that are defined as prohibitions in the ketogenic diet. While on a ketogenic diet; You need to stay away from sugary, floury and starchy foods. At the same time; fruits, legumes, root vegetables, seasonings and sauces, unhealthy oils and alcohol should not be consumed.
  • In the ketogenic diet process; You can consume meat, oily fish, salmon, eggs, cheese, butter, nuts and healthy spices.


What Are the Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet?

If you follow the ketogenic diet list and rules completely, the diet has many benefits for your health. We have compiled the benefits of the ketogenic diet for you. Here are the benefits of the ketogenic diet…

  • The ketogenic diet provides improvement in various parameters. In the diet process; body fat, cholesterol level and blood pressure are improved.
  • Prevents cancer by slowing tumor growth.
  • It prevents the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • It reduces the incidence of epileptic seizures.
  • It benefits PCOS patients by regulating the insulin level.

Caution While Doing! What Are the Risks of the Ketogenic Diet?

Ketogenic diet is a type of diet that draws attention with its side effects. At this point you have to be very careful. To determine whether the keto diet is suitable for you, you need to talk to a doctor who is an expert in the field. The possible risks of the ketogenic diet are listed as follows:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Feeling of Hunger
  • Nausea
  • Sleep Problems


Sample Ketogenic Diet List

There are no restrictions for the ketogenic diet. You can continue the ketogenic diet for as long as you want. 7-15 days diet lists are often recommended for the ketogenic diet. We have prepared a 7-day ketogenic diet list for you. If you wish, you can create a 15-day ketogenic diet list by applying the same list for two weeks.


Morning: 2 eggs, avocado, 15 olives, 3 walnuts, feta cheese, greens
Snack: 12 unsalted peanuts
Noon: Baked fish, salad, yogurt
Evening: Vegetable food, salad, yogurt


Morning: Bacon eggs, lots of greens
Noon: Grilled Chicken Salad with Feta Cheese
Evening: Baked salmon


Morning: Veggie omelet from 2 eggs
Noon: Milkshake made from cocoa powder, almond milk and peanut butter
Evening: Meatballs with Cheese, Salad


Morning: Vegetable omelet, avocado, green pepper
Noon: Walnut celery salad
Evening: Grilled chicken, lots of salad


Morning: 1 serving of yogurt with peanut butter
Noon: Beef tenderloin, boiled broccoli and cauliflower
Evening: 1 bowl of yoghurt, seasonal salad, 1 portion of vegetable dish


Morning: Cheese omelet, smoked turkey
Noon: Cheese plate
Evening: Fish, eggs, spinach


Morning: 2 eggs bacon omelet with lots of greens
Noon: Meatballs in the oven, cheddar, lots of greens
Evening: 200 g beef steak, egg salad
