“Get back”, the Beatles are back

Get back the Beatles are back

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The Fab Four are back. This Thursday, November 25, the Disney + platform begins to broadcast “The Beatles: Get back”, a mini-series in three episodes on the recording of the last Beatles album. The director of “Lord of the Rings”, New Zealander Peter Jackson, has managed to get his hands on 57 hours of unreleased rush, shot during rehearsals and the creation of “Let it be”. A mini-series that will undoubtedly delight fans of the legendary British pop group.

On January 2, 1969, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr locked themselves in a shed for a little over two weeks. They have to compose 14 new songs that they plan to play in a new concert broadcast on television. A documentary filmmaker films the creation process. This will culminate in the album and the movie Let it be which came out the following year, when the group broke up.

Knowledgeable director Peter Jackson rewrites the legend with those rush hours, which have been hidden in a sealed safe for 50 years.

How is a song born?

Each episode, which lasts more than two and a half hours, shows these 28-year-old men, composing, even joking, under the watchful eyes of companions, like Yoko Ono, knitting alongside John Lennon. Certainly there are disagreements, tensions, the departure of George Harrison, but also a process of creative emulation and camaraderie.

Absolute Beatles fans will undoubtedly want to discover this exceptional testimony of the band at work. The laymen will undoubtedly find the time long. But they can marvel at how a song is born, like Get back Where Let it be.

