Germany’s Scholz: Putin’s peace proposal is not to be taken seriously | News in brief

Germanys Scholz Putins peace proposal is not to be taken

According to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s peace proposal for Ukraine is theater.

10:05•Updated 10:46

The leaders of the G7 countries did not discuss the Russian president at their meeting Vladimir Putin about the Ukraine peace proposal presented yesterday, because it is not to be taken seriously, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says.

Scholz commented on the issue in Italy in the aftermath of the G7 meeting, from which the German leader left for the Swiss Ukraine peace conference.

According to Scholz, Putin’s peace proposal, according to which Ukraine should give up its four territories and reject the idea of ​​NATO membership, was only intended to divert attention away from the Swiss peace conference.

– Everyone knows that this proposal was not made seriously, but is somehow related to the Swiss peace conference, Scholz estimates.

Source: Reuters
