Germany wants to recruit nursing staff in Brazil

Germany wants to recruit nursing staff in Brazil

Since Germany is sorely lacking in skilled labour, the government is going to adopt a new law to promote chosen immigration. In certain sectors, the shortage is glaring and Berlin is addressing certain countries directly to find solutions. This is the case of health, where the nursing staff is insufficient. After other countries, staff could be recruited in Brazil.

With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibault

When there is a shortage of manpower, the ministers will act as recruiters when traveling abroad. Three months ago, two members of the German government were in Ghana. In June, the Minister of Labor and his colleague from Foreign Affairs will travel to Brazil to find personnel for the German health sector.

Agreements have been concluded in the past with Mexico and Indonesia, and contacts have been established with Mexico. The German authorities want, during their procedures, to avoid soliciting personnel from countries that need them. The Albanian Prime Minister had thus protested in March against the recruitment of health personnel by Germany.

So far, these steps abroad have not been crowned with success. Last year, 656 foreign nurses found employment in Germany. But 500,000 caregivers will retire in the next ten years, while the needs are increasing. Germany had two million people in need of care in 1999; they were five million at the end of 2021.

Read also : In Germany, the great shortage of caregivers
