For many players and fans of Diablo, the mobile game Diablo Immortal is considered a fall from grace by Blizzard, as cheek, as a manipulative Play2Win hell. The game has been publicly cursed, turning the long-standing love of Diablo fans into hard cash. In Germany, too, there was great outrage in forums about Diablo Immortal and Blizzard, but the sales figures paint a different picture a year after the release.
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Germans spend more money on Diablo Immortal than the French, Spanish and British combined
where does the money come from As expected, players from China spent the most money. Diablo Immortal was developed in cooperation with NetEase. Experts have always thought that Blizzard is targeting the Chinese market with the title, where there has been so much trouble lately.
There was also turmoil in China about Diablo Immortal in June 2022, but it apparently subsided quickly enough for Blizzard to:
The 3.3% share of the revenue of $525 million is about $17.33 million – a good 15.4 million euros.
The enthusiasm for the “Pay2Win” Diablo seems to be significantly greater in Germany than in comparable countries such as France (1.3%), Japan (2.2%) or Great Britain (1.2%). Spain (0.4%) and Italy (0.7%) perform weaker.
Some of our European neighbors like Belgium and Holland weren’t allowed to sell Diablo Immortal at all.
This is behind it: This shows once again that the biggest money is made in gaming, including mobile gaming, in the USA and China.
But among the European markets, Germany is still the largest.
In any case, the rejection of mobile games and microtransactions, which one often reads in comments and forums, does not seem to be reflected in the purchasing behavior of Germans. However, you have to remember that the figures are absolute and have not been converted to “per capita”.
The USA has about 4 times more inhabitants than in Germany, but even spends 7 times as much money on Diablo Immortal as we do – we are just as bad as the Americans in the aspect of “willingness to pay money for a mobile Pay2Win Diablo.” to spend” not yet.
Twitch streamer sinks over €15,000 into Diablo Immortal until he gets the item he wants