German twitch streamer wants to survive a week in the wild – but his biggest concern is a mobile game

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The German Twitch streamer Maximilian “Trymacs” Stemmler was not allowed to take part in the survival series “7 vs. Wild”, now he is planning his own format with “Nerd in the Dirt”. But the streamer is worried about his account in the mobile game Clash of Clans. He has now developed a solution for this: his girlfriend should gamble for him.

What is this show? Behind the title “Nerd in the Dirt” is a survival series planned by Trymacs: A group of gamers and streamers without survival experience tries to hike through the Finnish wilderness at temperatures of -30 degrees.

Ex-soldier Otto “Bulletproof Entrepreneur” Karasch is to support the unprepared “nerds” as an expert. He is one of the contestants of the second season of 7 vs. Wild.

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Girlfriend should take over the “Clash of Clans” account

What is Trymacs doing in front of Finland? In a November 24th stream, Trymacs responded to an episode of 7 vs. Wild. As a result, participant Jens “Knossi” Knossala almost torched the jungle to light a cigarette (via Twitch).

7 vs. Wild: A participant desperately makes a fire, but Twitch streamer Knossi almost sets the jungle on fire

While Trymacs commented that Knossi was only about his fags, he remembered something: “Speaking of addiction”. The streamer explains that he is currently most concerned about his account in the mobile game Clash of Clans given his survival trip in Finland.

That’s no joke, Trymacs emphasizes, he’s already thought about it a lot. But the streamer already has a solution ready: his girlfriend should continue to gamble for him in his absence and do the daily tasks.

The girlfriend should do this: Trymacs describes what tasks his girlfriend should do for him:

  • Daily star bonus
  • night base
  • keep all five workers running
  • in the night base let the worker go
  • To research
  • Take the Raid Medal with you on the weekend
  • But even though Trymacs says he taught his girlfriend the basics, he still has one concern: “I’m really worried that maybe one day she’ll forget it.”

    His viewers have little understanding for Trymacs’ concerns and laugh in the chat, but the streamer promptly justifies himself.

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    “It’s my job!”

    Why is the Trymacs game so important? Trymacs became famous with content for the mobile game Clash of Clans, among other things, and has already invested so much money in the game that he has had a massive impact.

    At the moment, however, Trymacs is running a Free2Play challenge with his colleague Sebo, which is about who can get further in the game without putting in real money. Over the past few days, Trymacs has gained a lead that he shouldn’t lose now.

    Why is everyone laughing, that’s really the challenge. It’s the most successful format on my channel right now, it’s my job. It’s not possible that I don’t play for a week, it doesn’t work.

    It remains to be seen whether Trymacs can win the challenge with the help of his girlfriend. Now the streamer is going to frosty Finland.

    In addition to his survival show Nerd in the Dirt and his Free2Play challenge, Trymacs has another project going: For December he was planning the event “Kick auf Eis”, where well-known streamers and YouTubers should play football on an ice surface.

    The event cannot take place as planned: Twitch streamer Trymacs sells thousands of tickets for the event – ​​now his role model threatens him with a fine of up to 500,000 euros
