German twitch streamer is said to have repeatedly harassed women – those affected speak up

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A German Twitch streamer marketed himself as a “feel good streamer” and offered a supposedly safe space on his channel. Allegations are now being made that he has repeatedly behaved in abusive manner towards women and exploited his reach.

What are these allegations? On March 8th, the German streamer Philipp “Paarzival” published a post about his Twitch colleague Nik aka Eistuete. This is said to have repeatedly appeared inappropriate, especially to streamers.

How did that go? As Paarzival reports, Eistuete is said to have always followed the same pattern: in private messages he wrote to streamers and used confidential or unpleasant nicknames like “Mommy”.

He is said to have then moved on to asking about age and relationship status, suggesting calls or meetings. However, more explicit and encroaching sentences are also said to have fallen, including:

  • “If you weren’t so young, I’d already be in love” (to a much younger, but apparently adult streamer)
  • “I would just like to have sex with you”
  • “Didn’t sleep your way to the Twitch partner though, did you?”
  • In addition, Eistuete is said to have made promises to streamers. He is said to have made offers to make contacts to increase the reach of women (via Twitter).

    In view of such allegations, it is all the more important to offer women a platform. Twitch streamer Sandra Friedrichs is committed to mental health in gaming and talks about it in an interview with MeinMMO:

    Twitch streamer wants to change the view of gaming as Miss Germany: “You can’t demonize it, but you can’t glorify it either”

    More videos

    Those affected report on their experiences

    What do those affected say? On Twitter, women talk about their own experiences with Eistuete. We have collected some statements from the women here:

  • “Thanks for making it public. He was also very uncomfortable with me. Still, I’m shocked at how far he’s gone with others and extremely happy to have blocked him so early. WTF easy.” (via Twitter)
  • “My inhibitions are very high when such things affect me and even the sentence: […] I would fuck you anytime […] I actually tended to ignore it. I feel sorry for all those affected and who are not doing well with it! Much strength to all” (via Twitter)
  • “Thanks. Thanks for clarifying. I also received nude pictures from him. When I tried to open my mouth, I was blocked everywhere and unfortunately nobody wanted to believe me. Thanks for the lyrics!” (via Twitter)
  • “After I played Among Us a few times with you guys, he added me to it. The fifth message was asking how old I am and if I’m single so he can be sure how flirty he can be with me.” (via Twitter)
  • “The question of whether I was single and how flirty he can be came to me quickly. After I said I was taken, he said he wouldn’t dig then – just compliments. Less than 24 hours later, he was asked if I would fuck him if I were single.” (via Twitter)
  • Others, who were not affected themselves, are shocked by the streamer’s behavior. Many thank Paarzival for the clarification and state that they have been deceived by Eistuete (via Twitter).

    In response to the allegations becoming known, there were also false claims that the streamer had also behaved inappropriately towards minors. Paarzival himself distances himself from these claims: He is not aware of any such case.

    He also condemns the spread of hatred and the publication of the streamer’s private information:

    I would like to emphasize once again that hatred, doxxing and the spreading of false information are never a means. This is wrong and absolutely to be condemned. Please pull yourself together. A reasonable tone is Key!

    via Twitter

    Doxxing is the gathering and subsequent publication of personal data from the Internet. This is related to malicious intentions towards those affected

    Eistuete was popular in the art community on Twitch

    This is what the streamer is known for: Eistuete was best known for streams for the drawing game Gartic Phone, a kind of mixture of silent post and Monday painter, in which players think up funny sentences and then draw them.

    He marketed himself as a feel-good streamer. On his Twitch channel, viewers were greeted with “Welcome to your safespace.” The streamer has 9,700 followers on Twitch and reached an average of between 200 and 300 viewers (via sullygnome).

    Eistuete was also closely linked to another art app, Gelartio. According to the website, art enthusiasts should show off their skills there in a playful way and share them with the community – in the best case, paid orders could even result (via

    How far exactly the streamer was involved in the app is unclear. He himself is said to have referred to Gelartio as “his app”. One of the developers tweeted that they were independent of Eistuete, that he was involved in the creative process but not in the development:

    Well, he initiated the project and the idea came about through his Gartic Phone Streams. He was also the first and most frequent user.
    Nevertheless, the app is in the hands of us developers, who invest a lot of time and heart in it.

    — Florian Maul (@fmaul) March 9, 2023

    In a twitlonger, Gelartio’s team distances itself from the streamer.

    Streamer does not deny allegations

    What does Eistuete say about the allegations? The streamer released a tweet about the allegations that same evening. He asked for time to think about it so that he could react appropriately. However, he did not deny the allegations.

    In the meantime, all the pictures and videos from his accounts on Twitch and Twitter have disappeared. It seems as if the streamer wanted to withdraw from the public for now.

    At the time of writing this article, Eistuete’s website went offline [Stand: 10. März, 12:40 Uhr].

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