German thriller series knocks Cobra Kai off the throne of the Netflix charts – after just one day

German thriller series knocks Cobra Kai off the throne of

A series that even horror author Stephen King is a fan of can’t be that bad. That’s what Netflix subscribers from our country apparently thought when they watched the local revenge thriller with its second season. straight to number 1 in the series charts promoted.

After just one day, the new season of Kleo, which has been running since July 25, 2024 online, past the first half of the Cobra Kai final season. Will the feat be repeated internationally?

Kleo Season 2 beats Cobra Kai on Netflix – and that’s what it’s all about

In Kleo, Jella Haase (Fack ju Göhte) plays a top spy and contract killer for the Stasi who is arrested on her last mission in West Germany in 1987. After reunification, she returns to a foreign Berlin and discovers a far-reaching conspiracy while forging personal plans for revenge.


Cleo Season 2

In the second season, Kleo and police officer Sven (Dimitrij Schaad) are once again on the trail of the mysterious red suitcaseThe CIA and KGB are also after the disputed object, which is now in other hands. And if the Americans and Russians are pursuing the same goals, chaos will soon ensue for our ex-spy.

Only six new episodes went online, in contrast to the eight-part debut season. It is not yet known whether there will be another Kleo chapter. Given how successful the second season was, the signs seem to be good that the series can overcome the difficult Netflix hurdle.

Podcast: The 8 best series endings of all time

In this edition of our Moviepilot podcast Streamgestöber we talk about the best series endings of all time. These include TV milestones such as The Wire, Six Feet Under and of course The Sopranos.

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