German-Moroccan relations are heating up

German Moroccan relations are heating up

In order to ” seal a new partnership between the two countries King Mohammed VI of Morocco has received an invitation to Berlin from German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Announcement made by the royal palace in Rabat. Germany and Morocco seek to calm their diplomatic relations after a year of crises which saw the freezing of bilateral relations and the withdrawal of the Moroccan ambassador to Berlin.

After several months of crisis between Rabat and Berlin, came the appeasement signals sent at the end of the year from Morocco, which envisaged ” to relaunch bilateral cooperation “With Berlin, following the statements” positive and constructive From the new German government, King Mohammed VI received a letter of invitation for a state visit to Germany.

In his letter, according to the Moroccan authorities, the German head of state returns to the point of contention: he judges that the Rabat project for the autonomy of Western Sahara is ” a good base ” expressing “ serious efforts ” and ” credible Of the kingdom for a solution to this conflict.

Berlin had strongly criticized the United States’ recognition of the sovereignty of the Kingdom of the Sharif over Western Sahara.

Another point of friction, Rabat could not bear to be excluded from the Berlin conference on Libya in early 2020.

But now, Berlin welcomes the efforts made by Rabat for a peaceful solution in Libya and for peace and stability in the region.

