German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met the Prime Ministers of the Nordic countries in Oslo

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has a tough question to answer in Oslo: should Russian tourists be denied visas to the EU?

15:10•Updated 17:39

Prime minister Sanna Marin (sd.) met his Nordic official brothers in Oslo today, Monday. The meeting discussed Nordic defense cooperation as Finland and Sweden apply for membership of the military alliance NATO.

The prime ministers also met the German Chancellor in Norway By Olaf Scholz. In addition to security policy, the state leaders also discussed the protection of the seas and the promotion of renewable energy.

  • This is an updated news story to which information is added.
  • Host country Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Støre characterized the meeting as historic in his opening speech. By this he refers to the application of Finland and Sweden to become NATO members.

    Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen highlighted Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Frederiksen demands a common line from the Nordic countries. Frederiksen stressed that Europe must get rid of Russian energy as quickly as possible. The solution lies in renewable energy, says Frederiksen.

    Prime Minister of Finland Sanna Marin initially praised the beauty of the city of Oslo. Marin said that Europe must be united behind Ukraine. When Finland and Sweden join the military alliance NATO, the Nordic countries strengthen their defense positions together. The Russian war raised the price of energy in Europe, and a solution must be found.

    Prime Minister of Iceland Katrín Jakobsdóttir he was also the first to bring up the difficult situation in Ukraine.

    Jakobsdóttir highlighted Nordic cooperation against cyber-attacks. Jakobsdóttir emphasized the importance of the sea – not only as an environmental matter – but also as an economic factor in, for example, fishing.

    Prime Minister of Sweden Magdalena Andersson said that Sweden is in a lucky position because it has such good neighbors.

    The Russian invasion changed Europe completely. There is no going back, Europe must support Ukraine, said Andersson. In addition, Andersson said that the “green revolution” in environmental protection advances best through cooperation.

    Marin: The Nordic countries have a common value base

    Norway could be a pioneer in the development of renewable forms of energy, estimates Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre.

    Editor of Helsingin Sanomat Elina Kervinen asked the prime ministers what the defense situation of the Nordic countries looks like after Finland and Sweden are NATO members.

    Prime Minister Marin emphasized that the Nordic countries have a common value base. And the joining of Sweden and Finland to NATO strengthens the military alliance.

    An Icelandic journalist asked Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir if Iceland is ready to strengthen its military position.

    Jakobsdóttiril replied that security has already been increased, but Iceland is not a threat to any country. Iceland does not have its own army.

    When asked about the status of NATO after Finland and Sweden joined, Prime Minister Marin said that the Nordic countries have different military strengths. Marin added that Finland is strengthening its army and that it is ready for possible future threats.

    Cooperation with other Nordic countries will grow in the future, Marin said.
