Gérard Depardieu’s trial for sexual assault ended this Thursday, March 27. After lawyers’ requisitions, the decision was “deliberated on May 13, 2025”.
22:31 – What is the obligation of psychological care required by the prosecutor?
If the conviction of Gérald Depardieu follows the prosecutor’s requisitions, he will be forced to receive psychological care. The latter are established by the Guigou law of June 17, 1998 and are essential to limit the risk of recurrences of people sentenced for sexual abuses. Their speech is analyzed by experts, who try to determine the origin of this violence. As was the case in the Pelicot case, most of the attackers have themselves been victims of this type of violence and reproduce them to hide their own suffering. It is then a question of allowing the authors to get out of the denial of the possible past assaults, and to restore a more human place to their victim (s) by demonstrating empathy.
21:28-What will happen until May 13?
We will have to wait more than 7 weeks to know the deliberation in this case. In the meantime, since Gérard Depardieu appeared free before the Court, he will remain so until the judgment. In addition, suspended prison was required by the prosecutor, so the actor will arrive free to the hearing, and will leave free, regardless of the conviction. In the meantime, the judges will continue to deliberate.
20:26 – What is a “deliberation” decision?
We will not know this evening if Gérald Depardieu will be well sentenced to 18 months suspended prison sentence, as the prosecutor requested, for sexual assault on two women during the shooting of the film “Green shutters” in 2021. Indeed, after 3 days of trial and the advocates of the lawyers, the president announced that the decision had been “deliberated”, which means that the judge Rexaminate the arguments, any evidence, the law, and make their verdict later. The date was given: it will be May 13, at 10 a.m.
19:12 – Depardieu is expressed after the decision to deliberate
Depardieu spoke after the president’s decision against the Assembly. He continued to place himself as a victim, while ensuring that this trial will have taught him … not on sexual assaults, but on the work of lawyers for a possible next role: “I want to say that I was very impressed. I really wanted to attend this trial. It’s been three years since I was dragged in the mud by slanders, lies, which gnaw at me, Ages “, he explained, before adding:” Everything you listen to, support also, the fight … things that I have seen, foolish. “Thank you with all my heart, Mr. President and Lesdames les Assiséuses. I took a very nice lesson and I thank me and the other lawyers who, too, gave me lessons if one day I want to interpret a lawyer. Thank you,” he concluded.
19:03 – The decision was deliberated
The president said that “the decision” was “deliberated on May 13, 2025 at 10 am before this room”.
18:59 – Me Astou attacks the support of the civil parties
During his pleading, Gérard Depardieu’s lawyer attacked the people who came to support the civil parties. He ensures that these are “feminists (…) speedy” who came to demonstrate last Monday in the court foreplace, with Amélie and Sarah.
He also attacked Charlotte Arnould, another alleged victim of the actor, who accuses him of rape and whose case is not treated during this trial. She came to support Sarah and Amélie. Me Assous said of her: “Arnould the mythomaniac who accused her own father of pedophilia!” He then resumed the elements of this case, notably with SMS exchanged. A surge unrelated to the case currently under judgment and of which Me Durieu Diebolt (lawyer of one of the civil parties) does not understand that his colleague continue.
18:38 – The pleading of Me Assous continues
During his long argument, Gérard Depardieu’s lawyer set out to discredit the opposing arguments. Witnesses attended one of the assaults? He tries to mimic that this is not possible. Amélie does not remember exactly how many people have “extricated” her from the “claws” by Gérard Depardieu? He laughs at her, arguing that she had not suffered physical violence. The gravelly comments of the actor? He assures that it is only a vocabulary that does not make him an attacker. Amélie speaks to the press? He judges that she “likes to please”. Amélie spoke with Gérard Depardieu after the alleged assault? The Council considers that there was no aggression since “a victim does not return to see his rapist” …
17:40 – Defense pleading
The defense has started its argument for two hours. “I want the nightmare, that the hell in which Gérard Depardieu is thrown, ends,” the lawyer started. During his pleading, Me Astou does not fail to try to demonstrate that what the complainants have told is “totally false” and that these are lies. He denounces a “made file”. He had already announced that he was planning to plead the release in this case.
14:30 – Gérard Depardieu’s lawyer reacts to requisitions
The hearing is suspended until 3.30 p.m. At the exit of the room, at the microphone of the press including BFM TV, the lawyer of Gérard Depardieu, Me Assous, reacted to the requisitions, which he describes as “wind, a large current of air, large generalities, no precision”. Recall that the prosecutor requested 18 months in prison with a probationary stay of 3 years and a fine of 20,000 euros fine.
2:20 p.m. – 18 months suspended prison sentence required against Depardieu
The prosecutor presented his requisitions to the Paris Criminal Court. He asked for 18 months’ imprisonment with a probationary stay of 3 years and a fine of 20,000 euros fine, this accompanies psychological care and compensation for civil parties.
12:17 – Request for damages for Sarah
The turn of Me Claude Vincent, lawyer for Sarah, to plead for her client, “like a woman, as a woman, for a woman”. She quotes the three women who came the day before and who also denounced sexual assault. It requires 10,000 euros in damages but also 10,000 euros for secondary victimization.
11:26 – Amélie requests 22,000 euros in damages
Amélie’s lawyer, Me Durrieu Diebolt, pleaded for her client. She assures that the decorator together has “nothing to gain, no glory to shoot” because of having filed a complaint against a “cinema giant”. “If some (present on the set) have not seen anything, it is not that it did not happen, it is that they did not look at that time Mr. Depardieu”. For her client, Me Durrieu Diebolt requests 22,000 euros “for the moral and professional damage”, as well as 15,000 euros given the duration of the trial and the work required by this file.