“Gentle Parenting”, the 4 pillars of this educational method for happy children

Gentle Parenting the 4 pillars of this educational method for

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    Do you know the “Gentle Parenting” method? This educational approach based on understanding and collaboration aims to raise more confident, independent and happy children. Find out what it is and how to apply it!

    When it comes to how to educate your child, everyone has their own style. Each education method is influenced by different factors such as historical, cultural contexts, ideologies, etc. In addition to this, the way you approach your child’s education evolves over time.

    Among the different practices of gentle parenting, there is “Gentle Parenting”. This educational approach ensures a parent-child relationship encouraging empathy and respect. If it is important to you to understand your little one, why not try it?

    What is “gentle parenting”?

    It is a practice aimed primarily at raising fulfilled and self-confident children. To do this, parents rely on empathy and understanding towards their child. They establish clear and consistent rules in order to set limits. This method is particularly opposed to that of “tiger parents” which is based rather on an education dictated by demands and discipline.

    THE “gentle parenting” is therefore based on four pillars: empathy, respect, understanding and setting limits.

    If you are interested in gentle parenting here are some tips to get you started.

    First advice and not the least: be sure to respect your child’s emotions and development. This means that you must adjust your expectations based on your child’s age, maturity, behavior and needs. For example, if your baby isn’t sleeping through the night yet, you need to understand that it’s not his fault. Rather than reprimanding him, it would be better to comfort him. Acting in an understanding manner with your child will in turn allow them to develop empathy and help them recognize their emotions.

    Another fundamental aspect: give the child the power to choose, and this without imposing your own will. To apply this method, offer your child the choice of doing or not doing an activity, for example. Also offer him alternatives, especially in the event that you are forced to refuse one of his requests. For example, if he wants to watch television but you think it’s not the time, avoid telling him no and instead offer him a creative or outdoor activity.

    Finally, treat your child as your equal when you talk to him and show him that his opinion matters and is valued. To apply this, you can include him in conversations, using the pronoun “on”, asking him questions and actively listening just like you would with an adult. This will make him feel respected, responsible and empowered.

    More than a simple method, “gentle parenting” is a real philosophy in the way you educate your child. This highlights respect, communication and understanding in your relationship with him. Although it is not easy to adopt on a daily basis and requires a lot of patience, this practice guarantees many benefits that can promote the well-being of your little one.

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