Genoa Airport, Municipality ready to acquire 15%

Genoa Airport Municipality ready to acquire 15

(Finance) – The Municipality of Genoa is ready to acquire 15% of the shares of Aeroporto di Genova Spa, taking over the package in possession of Aeroporti di Roma.

The operation is subject to validation of industrial plan from the airport, which envisages a return to structural balance in the four-year period 2025-2029. It will be there Court of Auditors to verify the conditions that justify the entry of the Municipality of Genoa into the airport company.

The deputy mayor Pietro Piciocchi, in response to a council question, explained that the price of the shares has not yet been defined, but will have to be certified by an independent third party, and subjected to scrutiny by the city council. The Board of Directors of the Genoa Airport company, which closed the budget with a red of 3.5 millionformulated one recapitalization request of 4.8 million.
