Generation Z uses podcasts as therapy

Generation Z uses podcasts as therapy

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    There is no escaping the podcast craze. With the Covid-19 pandemic, young people have turned to audio content to escape the screens. So much so that for Spotify, this trend has become a real therapy.

    The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated questions around well-being and mental health. Topics that are of great interest to Generation Z, in search of meaning and tools to face change. According to Spotify’s latest report, “Culture Next 2022“, mental health is even the most important subject for young French people aged 18 to 24.

    This appetite is explained in particular by the current context which worries the young generation: “the pandemic isolated Gen Zers when they needed each other the most“. To cope with this malaise, 18-24 year olds have turned to podcasts dealing with mental health which have become the first genre of podcast followed around the world by Generation Z. Between the first quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022, the number of listens to these podcasts increased by 138%, according to the results of the Spotify First Party Data report.

    Understand yourself better

    For these young people,podcasts provide a safe space to analyze their feelings“, or even to seek help. 66% of French people aged 18-24 surveyed said they listen to podcasts to find answers to their questions before even discussing them with their family.

    Introspective questions are also more present among young generation Z, who are 73% to declare using audio to understand themselves better against 65% among Millennials, according to a Spotify survey of 750 elderly respondents. from 15 to 40 years old, between March and April 2022.

    Young listeners also rely on podcasts to find topics to discuss with their friends, 59% of them.

    According to the report, more than a third of young French people aged 18 to 24 listen to podcasts at least once a week (compared to 22% of 15-17 year olds). In one year, the average proportion of podcast listeners who are part of Generation Z in France increased by 99% on Spotify in the first quarter of 2022.
