Generali tops Extel rankings: Philippe Donnet confirmed as best CEO in insurance sector

Generali tops Extel rankings Philippe Donnet confirmed as best CEO

(Finance) – The Group CEO of General, Philippe Donnetit is confirmed ““Best CEO” of the European insurance sector in the 2024 edition of the annual ranking Extel (formerly Institutional Investor), a trade magazine and independent research company in the field of international finance. This success is reflected in a number of key categories, with the Group CFO of Generali, Christian Boreanconfirmed in first place as “Best CFO” in the insurance sector.

Furthermore, the team Investor & Rating Agency Relations Generali ranked first in the categories: “Best IR Team”, “Best IR Professional” – Fabio Cleva, Group Head of Investor & Rating Agency Relations, “Best IR Program” and “Best Investor / Analyst Day”. Generali also achieved first place in the category “Best ESG Program”.

The Group CEO of Generali, Philippe Donnetsaid: “We are proud that the financial community has once again recognized Generali’s great commitment to excellent dialogue and communication with the market. These elements are even more essential today as we prepare to successfully achieve all the objectives of our ‘Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth’ plan and to start a new strategic cycle. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues for their exceptional work and for their commitment to always providing timely, clear and reliable information, which have allowed us to obtain these very important recognitions in the insurance sector once again this year”.

There Extel Ranking reflects the assessments of approximately 1,800 professionals, institutional investors and financial analysts. CEOs were assessed on credibility, leadership and communication criteria, while CFOs were assessed on capital allocation capacity, financial management and communication. Finally, the quality of the board of directors and that of ESG metrics were assessed.
To judge the Investor Relations activities, several factors were examined, including roadshows, quality of financial reporting, knowledge of the business and the market, responsiveness and authority of the company.
