Generali, SocGen with 5.344% of the share capital

Generali Costamagna litigation risk with limited victory in the shareholders

(Finance) – Société générale has a 5.344% stake in the shareholder base from General. This can be learned from the Consob communications relating to significant shareholdings, which indicate that the transaction took place last 6 July. THE voting rights attributable to shares are equal to 0.766%.

4,244% are “put” option contracts with expiry dates between 07/15/2022 and 05/23/2028. 0.075% are “call” option contracts with expiry dates between 08/19/2022 and 12/15/2023. 0.239% are shares subject to securities lending with the possibility of returning it at any time and without an expiration date. The residual 0.02% are “Future” contracts and “call” option contracts.
