Generali asks Consob and IVASS for clarification on pact quotas

Generali asks Consob and IVASS for clarification on pact quotas

(Finance) – General resolved to submit to IVASS (the insurance supervisory authority) the question whether the overall stake acquired by the Caltagirone group, the CRT Foundation and Delfin (equal to 16.309% of the capital from the latest official communications) is subject to authorization pursuant to the legislation on insurance in relation to the joint acquisition of qualified shareholdings, in any case greater than 10%.

The Trieste insurance company, a note reads, has also resolved to invest Consob of the question whether this acquisition is subject to the disclosure obligations with regard, inter alia, to future plans pursuant to current legislation for those who, even jointly, exceed a percentage of 10% of the share capital and whether there have been market-relevant information asymmetries.

Last weekend Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone decided to leave the consultation agreement signed in autumn with the CRT Foundation and by Delfin (which refers to Leonardo Del Vecchio) and to present its own list of candidates for the renewal of the board of the Trieste insurance company. In January, the resignations from the Board of Directors of Sabrina Pucci (whom many described as close to the CRT Foundation, which she denied), Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone and Romolo Bardin (CEO of Delfin).
