GDPR puts an end to new diabetes technology

GDPR puts an end to new diabetes technology

Published: Just now

full screenGDPR makes it difficult for Swedish diabetics who want access to new technology, such as insulin pumps. Archive image. Photo: Ola Torkelsson/TT

The EU’s data protection regulation GDPR has led to difficulties for diabetics in Sweden to get access to the latest technology such as insulin pumps and sensors, reports Sweden’s Radio Ekot.

The problems are due to data from the aids being stored on cloud services in the US, which violates the regulation. This has led to regions in Sweden finding it difficult to procure new technology.

Björn Ehlin, chairman of the Swedish Diabetes Association, says that the new technology can make it easier to get better treatment and thereby avoid complications and sequelae.

– It is a frustration to know that the technology exists but that you do not have access to it, he tells Ekot.

The European Commission and the United States have agreed to enter into a new agreement that regulates the handling of personal data, but when it will take place is unclear.
