GDP, MEF: robust growth despite a very difficult context

MEF a new 5 year BTP will be offered in the

(Finance) -! Istat’s flash estimate indicates that after slowdown at the beginning of the year the Italian economy scored one growth conjunctural of GDP equal to 1.0 per cent and an increase of 4.6 per cent compared to the corresponding period of 2021. The acquired annual growth (i.e. the evolution that would occur if the GDP remained unchanged in the second half of the year) is equal to 3.4 per cent – higher than the 3.1 per cent foreseen in the DEF “. comment of the Mef you have data published by Istat on Italian GDP growth estimates in the second quarter.

“The significant increase in GDP in the second quarter occurred in a context of great difficulty due to the war in Ukrainethe surge in international prices ofpower and gods products food and the rise in interest rates globally – continues the note -. The further strengthening of the activity in the services sector was favored by the elimination of most of the restrictive measures linked to Covid-19. L’industry benefited from an overall favorable trend in both international trade and domestic demand, including for investments “.

“The Italian economy was supported by the substantial interventions carried out with the Budget Law 2022 and with the numerous decrees issued by the Government. These measures have made it possible to cushion the impact of the rise in energy costs on households and on the competitiveness of businesses. Interventions were also launched politics industrialsuch as those in support of the car sector, and dialogue with businesses has intensified in order to enhance the incentive tools for investments and toinnovation. Although in a context marked by the tragic events in Ukraine, the investment climate in Italy remains positive “, underlines the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

“Recovery from the crisis caused by the pandemic can be considered completed, since GDP in the second quarter was significantly above the average level of 2019. It is now necessary to continue to support the purchasing power of households and the competitiveness of businesses in the second half of the year, as well as to continue the work of implementation of PNRR and a boost to investments and innovation “, concluded the MEF.
