(Finance) – Following investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome, the Financial Police has implemented a tax credit seizure decreefor a total amount of over 16 million eurosissued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Rome, against a Capitoline joint-stock company.
With functions of “general contractor“, the company organized construction works, financed with the “Super bonus“, in 630 construction sites located throughout the national territory.
In the three-year period 2021-2023, it has turnover of over 167 million euros and obtained undue tax credits of over 80 million euros. The findings carried out have highlighted the criminal hypotheses of fraud against the State for the perception of state incentives not due, the issuing and use of invoices relating to operations that are completely or partially non-existent, as well as illicit compensations and false certifications .
More in detail, in some of the construction sites examined, the construction interventions did not correspond to the relevant technical documentation, such as the metric calculations. In other cases, even though no building work had been carried out, they were detected company invoicing to unsuspecting ownersin order to illicitly obtain tax credits.
The fraudulent mechanism was also implemented thanks to complacency of professionals who, instead of carrying out supervisory and guarantee functions for the system, made themselves available to the company, endorsing and signing false communications and certifications.
In collaboration with the competent Provincial Directorates of the Revenue Agency they were blocked tax credits for a further 8 million euros.