Gävlebocken’s new location can result in stricter punishments for the goat burners

Gavlebockens new location can result in stricter punishments for the
New location and smaller barrier area

Published: Less than 1 hour ago

Updated: Less than 30 min ago

The Gävlebock has been given a new place this year.

The new placement may mean that potential ticket burners may receive harsher punishments than before.

– It is not possible to say that it would not be a case of arson if you set it on fire, says chief prosecutor Micael Dahlberg to P4 Gävleborg.

The famous Gävlebocken is up again.

But this year, it has been given a new and temporary place to stand in the city – at the Town Hall Square in Gävle.

The new placement may mean that potential ticket burners may receive harsher punishments than before.

Previously, people risked being sentenced for serious damage. But whoever sets fire to the goat now risks being convicted of arson instead.

Micael Dahlberg, Deputy Chief Prosecutor at the Prosecutor’s Chamber in Gävle explains that the temporary location on Rådhustorget means that a box fire could be assessed as more serious than before.

full screen Gävlebocken when it burned last year.

At least two years in prison

The cordoned-off area is significantly smaller this year than it has been previously up at Slottstorget, and this may have an impact on the risk of a fire spreading.

– The trees, traffic and buildings are very close at the new location and that was important, says Micael Dahlberg to P4 Gävleborg.

The minimum sentence for arson is two years in prison and Micael Dahlberg says it is much more serious.

– It is not possible to say that it would not be an arson if you light it, says Micael Dahlberg.

Broke the record

Last year, a record was broken when the Gävlebock had not burned for five years. It had never lived this long before.

Witnesses had then seen what they described as a tall, athletic man in dark clothing leaving the scene when the fire started.

Later, a man in his 40s who matched the description could be arrested.

The security around Gävlebocken has been greatly tightened since it burned in 2016. For example, there are guards who monitor 24 hours a day, Gävlebocken’s spokesperson told us last year.

Now it has double guardrails and a guardhouse with simpler fire equipment.

Kidnapping attempt and raggar car

Gävlebocken’s history began in 1966 when it was first set up on Slottstorget in central Gävle.

Since then it has burned down several times. But it has also been run over by a wrecker’s car, subjected to kidnapping attempts by helicopter and exposed to hacker attacks.

When the goat turned 50 in 2016, it was invited to a birthday party. Only hours later it was in flames.


The fate of Gävleboken – year by year

THE 60’S

  • In 1966, the first buck appeared on December 1. On New Year’s Eve at midnight, Gävlebocken went up in smoke. The perpetrator was found and charged with aggravated vandalism.
  • In 1967, the goat was allowed to remain untouched.
  • In 1968, the goat was also allowed to remain untouched.
  • In 1969, the goat was burned on New Year’s Eve.
  • THE 70’S

  • In 1970, the first goat was burned six hours after it was set up. Two heavily intoxicated youths were tied up at the time of the crime. However, with the help of various contributors, the trestle was erected again, this time made of reeds.
  • 1971 The merchants got tired of burnt goats and stopped the goat business. The science association from Vasa School took over instead. Their little buck broke.
  • In 1972, the trestle collapsed due to sabotage.
  • In 1973, the goat met an unclear fate.
  • In 1974, the goat was burned down.
  • 1975 another unclear fate.
  • In 1976, a raggar truck broke the trestle.
  • 1977 unclear fate again.
  • In 1978, the goat was broken again.
  • In 1979, the trestle was burned before it was even erected. A new one is built and impregnated, also the sabotaged and broken one.
  • THE 80’S

  • 1980 is burned down on Christmas Eve.
  • 1981 spared.
  • 1982 burned down on Lucia.
  • 1983 broken bones.
  • 1984 burned down the night of Lucia.
  • 1985 The 12.5 meter high goat ends up in the Guinness Book of Records for the first time. Burned down in January.
  • 1986 The merchants take up trestle building again. From now on, there are always two bucks, the Merchant’s and the Vasa School’s. However, the big goat was burned down on the night of Christmas Eve.
  • 1987 well impregnated buck. However, burned down the week before Christmas.
  • In 1988, the buck made it. Becomes a bet on English odds lists.
  • In 1989, the trestle burned down before it was even built. Money was collected from the public for a new goat, which was burned down in January. In March 1990, another new trestle was built, then for the filming of the film “Black Jack”.
  • THE 90’S

  • In 1990, the goat was spared. This year many sat as voluntary guards.
  • In 1991, the buck was joined by a promotional sled which, however, turned out to be a black build. Fire on Christmas Eve morning. Was built up again to accompany to Stockholm on campaign against the regiment’s (I 14) disbandment.
  • In 1992 it burned after eight days, the Vasa School’s goat was also burned the same night. Was rebuilt, but burned December 20. The trestle burner for all three trestles was arrested.
  • In 1993, the buck would appear once again in the Guinness Book of Records. This place received the Vasa School’s mark with 16 meters. Was spared.
  • 1994 spared
  • 1995 burned down on Christmas morning. Was rebuilt to stand when the 550th anniversary began.
  • 1996 managed. Watched by the first time by webcam.
  • In 1997, the goat survived limited damage from rockets.
  • In 1998, there was a fire on December 11, despite a snowstorm. Was rebuilt.
  • In 1999, there was a fire a few hours after the goat was set up. Up to Lucia again.
  • THE 00’S

  • In 2000, it burned down a couple of days before New Year’s.
  • In 2001, the day before Christmas, a 51-year-old American visiting Sweden set fire to the city’s pride.
  • 2002 spared.
  • In 2003, the goat burned two nights before Lucia. A new buck was in place a week or so later and it made it through unscathed.
  • In 2004, the goat burned on December 21, just three days before Christmas. No new trestle was built.
  • In 2005, the goat burned on December 3, 21.08. A new trestle was built up on December 8th and it worked.
  • In 2006, the goat survived a pyromaniac attack during the night of December 15. Slight burn on right leg. Then the goat stood untouched.
  • 2007 The goat was impregnated with flame retardant and was not exposed to pyromaniacs.
  • In 2008, the goat was not impregnated with flame retardants, but the straw came without additives from Mackmyra’s whiskey production. The goat burned on December 27.
  • In 2009, the goat was burned on the night of December 23. At the same time, the webcams were exposed to a hacker attack, so the pyromaniacs were not visible in the images.

  • In 2010, the buck made it. However, a helicopter coup was discovered where there were plans to kidnap the Gävlebuck to Stockholm with the help of a helicopter.
  • In 2011, the Gävlebock only survived for five days. Already on December 2, he was in flames.
  • In 2012, Gävlebocken was burned down on the night of December 13. The fire started in the left hind leg.
  • In 2013, the Gävlebocken was burned down on December 21 just after four o’clock.
  • 2014 spared. The goat also began its journey to visit Zhuhai City in China in connection with Gävle and Zhuhai celebrating their fifth anniversary as sister cities.
  • In 2015, Gävlebokken was burned down on December 27.
  • In 2016, the Gävlebocken was burned down just a few hours after its 50th anniversary celebration on November 27. His unofficial little brother, created by the Science Society at Vasa School, then filled the void in Slottstorget before it was rammed by a car on December 5th.
  • In 2017, Gävlebocken was completely spared from fire and vandalism.
  • 2018 was also a good year for the Gävlebocken. He remained over Christmas and New Year and was taken down on January 2.
  • 2019 was another good year for Gävlebokken. However, someone set his little brother on fire on December 27.

  • In 2020, the Gävlebocken resisted both fire and virus, and had to be dismantled according to plan.
  • Source: Visitgavle.se

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