Gävle municipality’s investigation shows major deficiencies in Fleminggatan’s nursing home

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In February, Gävle Municipality submitted several reports according to Lex-Maria and Lex Sarah to the Inspectorate for Care and Care – IVO after serious incidents at the nursing home. The reports have now been supplemented with a so-called incident analysis of what happened.


– It shows major shortcomings in many areas that we definitely have to continue working on, we have already started it, but I take what happened very seriously, says Magnus Höijer, who is sector manager for Welfare Gävle.

In one case, a resident was left alone in a passenger lift. Another was exposed to the risk of suffocation in bed. And in another incident, there is uncertainty surrounding a resident who was found dead in his bed. The investigation regarding one of the accommodation’s departments also shows, among other things, a lack of routines, quality and treatment.

Nagging the trust

– Of course, I understand that this type of event gnaws at the edges of the economy, says Eva Älander (S), who is the newly appointed chairman of the nursing board.

According to Magnus Höijer, the five employees who were taken out of service during the investigation are now back at work.
