Gave baby antihypertensive medicine – prosecuted

Gave baby antihypertensive medicine prosecuted
full screen A mother is accused of assaulting her newborn daughter. Archive image. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT

The woman is suspected of giving her premature baby blood pressure-lowering medication – and neglecting to feed the baby. Now she is charged with aggravated assault.

According to the accused, the abuse took place at the Östra hospital in Gothenburg in the spring of 2021, where the child was cared for after a premature birth.

“The woman is suspected of abusing her daughter by giving her the blood pressure-lowering medication Metoprolol, as well as failing to feed her in accordance with the doctor’s prescription,” says prosecutor Sara Derakti in a press release.

The 28-year-old woman is now charged with aggravated assault.
