Gasoline, UNC: more fake data from Mimit

Gasoline UNC more fake data from Mimit

(Finance) – “After yesterday’s denunciation of theNational Consumer Union of absurd prices published in Mimit’s Observaprezzi fuels, the bogus data unearthed by the association continues”. So in a note from the consumers’ association. After the price reported yesterday of gas And diesel sold for 4 euros by a distributor in Castellaneta, in reality closed for months, today according to Mimit data, special petrols appear to be sold for 5 or 8.888 euros per litre.

“Yesterday the ministry tried to remedy the mistake of distributor of Castellaneta removing it in the afternoon from the Osservaprezzi, a pity that this morning the 4 euros appear again in the prices communicated at 8 am! To err is human, but…. here it is exaggerated. Not only that, but we have found even more unlikely prices: 5 or 8.888 euros. We don’t know if it is a communication error by the distributor or an error by the ministry. But the point is that before making such anomalous data public, the ministry should verify them. If a vending machine has been closed for months and yet its price continues to be published, even after our complaint yesterday, something is not right and we need to fix it” he says Maximilian Donatepresident of the National Consumer Union.

“As for the Government, after the failure now ascertained of the regional average price, he must intervene by reducing the excise. One discount of 5 cents, a fifth of that introduced by Draghi, would allow the price of petrol to fall below 1.9 euros per liter and diesel below 1.8 euros” concludes Dona.

Considering the weekly data of But ifIndeed, the discount of 5 cents, 6.1 cents considering the VAT at 22%, would take self-service petrol from 1.946 euros per liter to 1.885 euros, self-service diesel from 1.845 to 1.784 euros. Even on the motorway, considering today’s Mimit data, petrol would fall below 2 euros, from 2.020 euros today to 1.959 euros and diesel would go to less than 1.9 euros, going from the current 1.935 euros to 1.874 euros per litre.
