Gasoline is cheap in Sweden – relative to the rest of Western Europe

Gasoline is cheap in Sweden – relative to the rest

The home page periodically maps how much petrol and diesel costs in 45 different European countries, which should be helpful when planning car journeys.

Prices can differ considerably between different countries, and by filling up where it is cheap, you can thus make significant savings.

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Sweden has the cheapest petrol

In Sweden, we often hear in the public debate that we pay absolutely outrageous prices for our petrol, but since the abolition of the reduction obligation at the turn of the year, this is not necessarily the case. last updated the prices in the compilation on June 6, 2024, when the price for a liter of 95-octane gasoline was SEK 17.98 in Sweden.

This price means that Sweden, if you disregard the small countries Andorra (16.26 kroner per liter) and Luxembourg (17.86 kroner per liter), is the country in Western Europe with the cheapest petrol.

In other Western European countries, it is not uncommon for prices to exceed SEK 20 per litre.

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Denmark and the Netherlands among the most expensive

Filling up the tank before leaving Sweden can be a particularly good idea if the planned route goes through the neighboring country of Denmark.

On the other side of the Öresund Bridge, a liter of petrol costs a whopping 22.79 Swedish kronor, which is almost 5 kroner per liter more than what we pay in Sweden.

The only country in Europe where petrol is more expensive than in Denmark is the Netherlands, where the price is SEK 23.69 per litre.

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Petrol is cheap in Eastern Europe

If you want to fill up really cheap, you are right to look east.

The cheapest petrol in the study is found in Russia, where the liter price is SEK 6.54, followed by Belarus with SEK 7.58.

In Turkey, you have to pay SEK 13.20 for a liter of petrol, while the prices in Macedonia, Moldova and Montenegro are SEK 14.41, 14.51 and 14.59 respectively.

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