Gaslighting: a phenomenon that is spreading on social networks

Gaslighting a phenomenon that is spreading on social networks

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    This technique of psychological manipulation most often concerns women. But, there are ways to protect yourself against it.

    Gaslighting is an old concept of psychological manipulation which consists in distorting or omitting certain information to make a person pass for what they are not, going so far as to make them believe these words themselves. Usually used in the relational context, the term is increasingly used on social networks to denounce harassment against women on platforms. Users do not hesitate to modify the lyrics and stories of certain women to justify certain forms of harassment. It’s quite easy on networks where the source is not always mentioned and where anyone can circulate false information without problem.

    There are many recent examples. The trial of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, where many people relayed the conviction of the actress without mentioning that Johnny Depp had also been convicted for the same facts. The phenomenon of gaslighting has been further highlighted with the accusations against youtubeur Léo Grasset (or “DirtyBiology”). Seven women say they have suffered “psychological violence”, a manipulation going so far as to make them believe that they were unreasonable. On the networks, the defenders of the youtubeur are numerous to discredit these women by modifying their remarks like @c_lannes who writes: “Alleged sexual assault, ok, and everything else is, ‘yeah yeah he would text me back whenever he wanted, he made fun of me, yeah yeah he ‘kidnapped me emotionally’, yeah yeah the men they are wicked”. Women are an easy target for these Internet users, especially in situations where they are weakened by the media coverage of their stories.

    Good in your body, good in your head!

    Detect gaslighting on networks

    It is possible to become aware of the phenomenon, even if it requires special attention, especially to quotes. A tweet is often quite short and repeats one or two sentences or outright transforms statements. It is sometimes useful to go and see the original comments or to check who is using them. If the remarks seem to take sides with a person, do not hesitate to inquire about the initial conflict. To avoid it, don’t take shortcuts, get informed and respect what women say.

    To help you, some Instagram accounts and some committed influencers denounce female gaslighting. The best known remains Rose Lamy with @prepare_for_the_brawl (who also released a book of the same name), but there is also @camilleetjustine Where @mariebongars who decipher the news while maintaining a feminist vision.
