Gas, Europe at work on the energy emergency. Gazprom confirms Nord Stream stop

Russia payments in rubles for Gazprom Not for Novatek

(Finance) – Gazprom confirms that the Nord Stream gas pipeline will be stopped for maintenance activities from tomorrow, August 31, until September 3, while Europe is working on the energy emergency for the price of gas and sets the Council of Energy Ministers for 9 September.

Energy prices are breaking record after record. The consequences for households and businesses are not sustainable. We must tackle this problem together and urgently “- said on twitter the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen – as part of his speech at the Baltic Sea Energy Security Summit in Copenhagen, announcing that in the European Union it has reached “an average of 80% storage capacity, the amount we have agreed for this year”.

Meanwhile, the price of gas continues to fall: the September TTf contract, expiring today, drops 9.6% to 246 euros per MWh, after having reached two peaks of 339 euros in recent days.

In Italy, the price of energy set for tomorrow drops which drops to 612.36 euros per megawatt hour against 740 euros yesterday. The motion makes it GME which indicates an hourly maximum within a whisker of 760 euros (759.99 euros), against 867.28 euros on the eve, and a minimum of 538.9 euros against the 688.24 euros of yesterday.
