Gas: bills on the rise (+23.3%) for consumption in December 2022

Gas ARERA approves further emergency measures

(Finance) – Increase the gas bill for families still in guardianship. On the basis of the average performance of the Italian wholesale market in the month of December and for consumption in the same month, for the standard household under protection (average gas consumption of 1,400 cubic meters per year) there is a growth of +23.3% of the billcompared to November.

The component of the gas price to cover procurement costs (CMEMm), applied to customers still in the protected market, is updated by Arera as a monthly average of the price on the Italian wholesale market (the PSV day ahead) and published within the first 2 working days of the month following the reference month. For the month of december, which in the first few weeks recorded still particularly high gas prices (with peaks of around 135 euro/MWh) before the reductions at the end of the month, the price of the raw material
gas (CMEMm), for customers with contracts in protected conditions, is therefore set at 116.6 euro/MWh, equal to the average of the prices recorded daily throughout the month that has just ended.

If the Arera had used the old method of updating the gas protection (quarterly ex-ante instead of monthly ex-post) a CMEM of over 240 euro/MWh would have been applied throughout the last quarter of 2022. The method adopted by the Authority – explains Arera in a note – instead made it possible to apply a CMEMm of 78 euro/MWh in October and 91.2 euro/MWh in November.

Despite these savings, however, in terms of final effects, the gas expenditure for the typical household in the rolling year (January-December 2022) is around 1,866 euros, +64.8% compared to 2021.

The Arera recalls that, as required by the ‘Budget Law’, for the first quarter of 2023, the Authority has already zeroed the general system charges also for gas. The negative UG2 component for gas consumption up to 5,000 sm3/year and the 5% VAT reduction on gas were also confirmed.
