Gas, bill drops again in July

Gas bill drops again in July

(Finance) – Good news for consumers. The lightest gas bill for the typical protected family drops again in July, that is, which has average gas consumption of 1,400 cubic meters per year: the tariff marks a -2.1% compared to June.

The ARERA communicates it, specifying that the cut is entirely determined by the reduction in expenditure for natural gas compared to June, due to the drop in the Cmem component relating to the procurement costs of natural gas.

In July, when there was a lower average wholesale quotation than in June, the price of the gas raw material alone for customers with contracts in protected conditions is equal to 31.41 euro per megawatt hour.

Gas expenditure for the typical household in the rolling year (August 2022-July 2023) is approximately 1,484 euros, gross of taxes, recording a -10.7% compared to the equivalent 12 months of the previous year (August 2021- July 2022).
