Gardening: 8 tips to prepare your garden before going on vacation

Gardening 8 tips to prepare your garden before going on

You pamper your plants all year round but, in summer, comes the time to leave them for a few weeks to go on vacation. Before departure, know what to do to find them in good shape when you return. How to manage watering, avoid weeds, stimulate flowering for your return, how to shade them… So many questions to ask and answers to find here.

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The departure for the summer holidays is approaching, so we will have to prepare the garden well in order to meet all the needs of the plants to find them in good health. Watering, weedingmulching and many other things to do before thinking about vacation.

Anticipate watering

If you are not lucky enough to have a neighbor who will pass water your corner of greenery, anticipate thewatering. Water supply is essential for the survival of plants. The week before your departure, water all the plants well and install a watering system. It can be ollas planted in the vegetable garden and the massifs if you leave for 15 days. For longer absences, prefer the installation of a watering kit connected and connected to the tap with a timer in order to be able to adapt the days and the quantity remotely. A simple pipe fitted with drippers placed at the foot of each flower or vegetable will supply them with water regularly.

For indoor plants, the same system exists with a water reserve of greater or lesser capacity, to feed each houseplant.

Conserve soil moisture

Whether in planters, pots, beds or rows of vegetables in the vegetable garden, hoe the soil to break the crust superficial and thus allow rainwater to infiltrate deeply. The roots will thus draw the water necessary for the good development of the plants.

Remember to mulch the base of vegetables, flowers, hedgesshrubs or trees fruit trees if you have to be away. This layer of plant protection will maintain humidity from rainfall or drip irrigation.

Prevent weed growth

To do this, weed the rows of vegetables in the vegetable garden and the flower beds a week before leaving. Then place a mulching 10 cm thick with straw, lawn mowing dried, flakes of linenBRF or other matter to stop the growth of weeds. Thus, you will not find a field of grass or a jungle on your return.

Stimulate flowering

Before leaving, remove the maximum of faded flowers to prevent them from taking water in vain. For flowering balcony plants, pinch the young buds before you leave. This gesture will stimulate the appearance of new flowers for your return.

Shade fragile plants

In the garden, move heat-sensitive plants heat along a wall or under a tree. A period of heat can occur during your vacation and damage fragile plants. Placed in partial shade, you will limit the damage. On a balcony, group the pots away from the sun’s rays. Sun leaving theair pass between each plant. In the vegetable garden, install crates upside down to shade salads or radish. For larger spaces, place reeds or shade sails.

Get ahead of diseases and the presence of insects

Fifteen days before your absence, make an observation session of the vegetable garden, the flowerbeds and the flowers on the balcony in order to identify or not any possible insects harmful or presence of diseases. Depending on the observations, treat with the right product at the right time to avoid the spread during your absence. Leave with peace of mind with plants in great shape.

Harvesting and storing fruits and vegetables

The crops of beans, tomatoes, zucchini, raspberries are from season so pick as much as you can harvest before you go. Take them with you or store them in jars or in the freezer. Think of your friends and neighbors who stay and can pick up fruits and vegetables while you are away. You will be happy!

Take out the least fragile houseplants

Take advantage of your absence to take out the less fragile houseplants and offer them a summer outing. Prefer a shady spot. Green plants, cacti, succulents, orchids and flowering plants will appreciate instead of living in the saturated air of a closed interior.

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