‘Gap’ filled by independent scientific advisory group – EPN

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During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, various grassroots groups appeared in the UK to fill the ‘gap’ in politics. The Independent SAGE, a group of scientists founded in May 2020, is a prime example. A dozen public health scientists gathered around Sir David King, who served as chief scientific adviser during the Labor government. It is different from the Scientific Advisory Group (SAGE), which is involved in the British government’s quarantine policy. In the early stages of COVID-19, when experts participating in SAGE and their scientific evidence were not disclosed, it started from the awareness of the lack of transparency.

The Independent Scientific Advisory Group holds an online COVID-19 briefing every week. This is to explain questions about COVID-19, such as the aftereffects of COVID-19, its effects on women’s health, and the difference from the flu, and check false information. On September 27, I met Christina Fagel, a clinical research professor at UCL, who has been active in the independent scientific advisory board for over two years. As of March 2022, SAGE has no longer held meetings, but the independent scientific advisory group is still active.

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