Gantz resigns from government amid disagreements with Netanyahu – L’Express

Gantz resigns from government amid disagreements with Netanyahu – LExpress

Benny Gantz, member of the Israeli war cabinet led by Benjamin Netanyahu, announced his resignation from the government on Sunday evening, June 9, amid disagreements with the Prime Minister over the conduct of the war in Gaza.

“(Benjamin) Netanyahu is preventing us from moving towards a real victory. This is why we are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart but without regret,” declared during a solemn speech on television this rival of Netanyahu. If this former general called on the Prime Minister to hold early elections, his resignation should not immediately cause major political upheavals. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the large right-wing Likud party, still has a majority of 64 deputies out of 120 in the Israeli Parliament, thanks to the support of his far-right allies. Very quickly, Benjamin Netanyahu responded to Benny Gantz on the social network join forces,” urged the head of government.

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Minister without portfolio within the framework of an enlarged government after the Hamas attack on October 7 which triggered the war in Gaza, Benny Gantz, leader of the National Union party (center) launched an ultimatum on May 18 to Netanyahu. He demanded the adoption by the war cabinet of an “action plan” on the question of the post-war in the Gaza Strip, putting his resignation in the balance.


Scheduled for Saturday evening, his press conference was canceled after the announcement of the release of four Israeli hostages during a military operation in the center of the Gaza Strip. According to the Ministry of Health of the government of this Palestinian territory, led by Hamas, at least 274 people were killed during this operation. “There are still many hostages that we have not managed to bring home. It is also my responsibility,” lamented Benny Gantz on Sunday evening. The hostage issue is the “main reason” for Benny Gantz’s resignation, explains Mairav ​​Zonszein, analyst at the International Crisis Group (ICG).

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According to this expert, the former head of the Israeli army appeared in the eyes of many internationally, “especially in the United States”, to be a “moderate” in the war cabinet led by Benjamin Netanyahu. With his departure, as well as that of his ally Gadi Eisenkot, there are only three men left in this high place of power, including Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Sunday evening, far-right minister Itamar Ben Gvir also demanded to join the war cabinet. With the departure of Benny Gantz, Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself in a delicate position, abandoned by this centrist and under pressure from his far-right allies who have threatened to leave the government in the event of an agreement with Hamas.

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Favorite to form a coalition in the event of early elections, Benny Gantz has lost valuable points in opinion polls in recent weeks, notes Mairav ​​Zonszein. The war in Gaza was triggered by an unprecedented Hamas attack on October 7 in southern Israel which resulted in the death of 1,194 people, the majority civilians, according to an AFP count based on official data.

During this attack, 251 people were taken as hostages. 116 of them are still held in Gaza, including 41 dead, according to the Israeli army. In response to the October 7 attack, the Israeli army launched a large offensive in the small Palestinian territory. At least 37,084 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were killed there, according to the Health Ministry of the Hamas-led Gaza government.
